5 FU Cream side effects
I am looking for someone who had to use the 5 FU vaginal cream. I have looked all over the internet and so far no luck. I start using tomorrow night for 10 weeks.
very new to this
I was recently diagnosed with non-invasive vaginal cancer. I know it is nothing like i have read in these stories but i am unsure about a few things i was hoping someone could answer. He is treating me with 5 FU vaginal cream, I can not find anyone that has been treated that way anywhere on the internet. I had a hyst 6…
The Return!!!
I had surgery on Jan. 30, 2006. I went back to my Onc. in Feb. for the 2 week checkup. He told me that everything was clear, boy was I happy. Well, by the first of March I was having the symptoms like I had before the surgery. I also had some bleeding for no reason(had hysterectomy in 2004); called the Onc. , he had me…
After 4 uterine biopsies came back positive for precancerous cells, my gyn sent me to a gyn oncologist. We discussed options, and because I've had 4 DnCs that didn't alleviate a host of other difficulties I have, and after I learned from him that 30 percent of women who have what I had found out they had full-blown cancer…
the embarassing cancer...
The night I was diagnosed with vulvar cancer and found out I would need surgery within the week I e-mailed a few friends at work telling them my diagnosis in clinical terms and the needed surgical treatment. Two days later the director called both my manager and myself into her office. I was sternly, verbally reprimanded…
Normal recovery time?
Is there a normal recovery time for wide margin local excisions? I had a wide margin local excision on Wednesday, 3/1/06. Monday was the first day I woke up without swelling. I still have pain and a burning type discomfort. Have also been experiencing seepage with occassional tinges of blood. Seepage is a weird…
I got my second opinion
Well I got my second opinion. and i am going for surg. April 11th. they are starting with just taking out my uterus and cervic. when they biopsys the uterus and if it has cancer then it all comes out. They also want to do a panniculectomy. that is where they take my lower part of my stomach where my skin hangs cause of the…
vulvar cancer and VIN III
For several years I have suffered with severe itching and burning around the area of the vagina. I had a hysterectomy in Nov. 2004, my Gyn. said that there was a white patch there, I went back for my yearly in July 2005, he gave me a steroid creme for the irritation, I went back to him in Nov. 2005, he did a biopsi, called…
I had a short course of internal radiation following a complete hysterectomy and am now having a lot of bladder discomfort and a small amount of leakage. Has anyone else had experience with this issue?
RE: Recurrent Vaginal Cancer
Hello. My mother was diagnosed with vaginal cancer 3 years ago. She underwent radiation therapy, chemotherapy and pelvic exoneration. The cancer has come back in the pelvis and her lung. Does anyone know of treatments, western and alternative, that could help in this situation? Thank you.