Second war with stage three S. C.
In January I had a successful PET Scan for stage III esophageal cancer. The report stated, 1) "No associated hypermetabolism." 2) "No lymphadenopathy." 3) "No worrisome hyper metabolism." When my oncologist presented my wife and I with this report we were, of course, filled with great relief and gratitude. My doctor,…
Second war with stage three.
In January I had a successful PET Scan for stage III esophageal cancer. The report stated, 1) "No associated hypermetabolism." 2) "No lymphadenopathy." 3) "No worrisome hyper metabolism." When my oncologist presented my wife and I with this report we were, of course, filled with great relief and gratitude. My doctor,…
Lower Ab pain after surgery
Hello, My father had an esophagectomy for Stage 1 cancer 1 1/2 years ago. Recently he has been getting a sharp pain in his lower right abdomen. It only last for a few seconds and comes and goes throughout the day. Of course he's worried cancer has returned and next scans aren't for 3 weeks. Has anyone else experienced…
New here sharing my story Adenocarcinoma of Esophagus
Hello all, FIRST A PSA ANYONE with a diagnosis of ESOPHAGEAL cancer check on SS disability this cnacer qualifies as a compassionate allownace and can be approved in a couple weeks. I was getting an annual chest Xray as a precaution for being an ex smoker when they found an enlarged lymph node. It took months due to Covid…