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Young Cancer Survivors
Archives for January 2011
Discussion List
Feeling Alone
Im 26 and live in Massachusetts. This site is great but it is hard to relate to many people on here as im so much younger than the majority of active members it seems. Ive been diagnosed with Large Diffuse B-Cell Non Hodgkins Lymphoma Stage 4. I have tumors in my liver, spine and sinuses. I am currently in treatment.…
a little bit of my story....
Im 21 years old and on November 19th 2010 I was diagnosed with Papillary Thyroid Cancer. A month and three days later I was recovering in Memorial Sloan Kettering, after a total thyroidectomy done by the most awesome surgeon ever. I swim in college and if it wasn't for my coach I would have never found this surgeon. If it…
I'm Too Young For This! Cancer Foundation
I see that someone else posted about this org within a thread, but thought it deserved its own; (a GREAT url, imo!). I found out about it from a friend who works for the ACS and think it looks great. I'm a tad past 40 but intend to check out some of their resources and events b/c I'm too young to be in…
19 years old, been in remission since I was 12.
Hello all. I was diagnosed in November of 2003 with cancer of the ovaries - a granulosa cell tumor to be exact. I went through a few courses of chemo (four), lost my hair, and all of that stuff. And went into remission, luckily, in March of 2004. It wasn't a long battle, but it was hard. Especially since I was a kid. And…
Where did my post go?
Last week I created a discussion about cancer support for people in their 20's and it's not here anymore. Why is that?