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Young Cancer Survivors
Archives for September 2004
Discussion List
Young adults networking group in Boston
Hello, I wanted to let everyone know about a networking group for the young adult community (including survivors, caregivers, loved ones and friends) in Boston on Thursday, October 21. It is co-sponsored by The SAMFund ( and The Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults ( Please email…
sleeping probs
Every since I started chemo ( I finished 7 months ago) I can't sleep. I feel really tired but not at night. I do very relaxing activites before bedtime. Is it the steriods? I don't think it is stress and I am very active during the day. Does anyone else have this problem? What do you do about it?
Young survivors chat-what do u think?
It appears those that came in for the young survivors chat time enjoyed it and thought it was a wonderful idea. for those that were there I want ideas about what could make it better? as in different time or day or how often you would like to do that. For those that did not come I would like to know what would make u want…
Under 21s different totally than over..
I'm not discussing the "single section" again posted a reply under get a room. I think that instead of age being 25 it should be limited to 21. Dating and relationships are totally different because those over 21 can go clubbing, we can't. We should seperate the rooms and chat out with the 21 year old cap instead of 25.…
Attention: young survivors chat sept. 16 at 10pm eastern
to give everyone proper notice what I plan on doing is starting the young survivors chat time on thu. September 16 at 10 pm eastern. I descided to accomidate those that in other time zones if this goes well we can change the time and designate more then one day we can have this chat. so on thu sept. 16th at 10pm eastern in…
Support Group in Alabama
Fellow survivers here who live in or near Alabama, who would like to start a support group in North Alabama Please email me at My name is Kevin.
Get a room
I have posted to admin board too. A single "relationship" cancer special place, please. I'm in the same boat too but how young or imature is imature. How about you go to a dating website and start buggin their administration for a cancer room. Lifes tough, sorry. And if there is such a room Jason and whats her name can't…
ATTENTION Young survivors. READ!
well everyone I am hoping we all continue to post her because we need to hear from eachother and hope that they give us what we need on this site.... I am proposing that we start our own chat date and time I want ur responce on this and will hopefully come to a time and say of the week for instance like thu at 9 easternt…