elevated CA-125 AFTER surgery
My Ca-125 was 97 before surgery; had complete hysterectomy with normal ovaries and tubes as well as cervix. Am Stage 3a, Grade 2-3 with a pre chemo CA-125 of 142. Have my Dr appt on Wed. Was curious if anyone knows why the elevation. Also had an alkaline phosphotase elevation. Thanks for your thoughts, in adavnce!
This was originally linda's response to news of pat nm's question regarding recurrence of cancer in lots of places after carbo/taxol treatment. I felt it was worth posting as it's own thread. I can only imagine how you feel, although I know that each of us with cancer can imagine it all too easily as we all fear the same…
I finished taxol #6 on time; had somewhat of a reaction but my daughter flew home and cooked three meals a day and poured fluids into me. We watched videos in the afternoon and talked in between naps. One thing I have learned from this cancer is how much I love my family and how much they love me brings tears to my eyes! I…
Ginger and cancer University of Michigan Study-There's a phone number to call.
Here's an interesting article. Dr. Liu has been working on this for a number of years. http://www.med.umich.edu/opm/newspage/2006/ginger.htm They have their funding and affiliation info on the site ==here it is: Funding for the study was from the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, National…
Alkaline and Acid Food List
http://www.essense-of-life.com/moreinfo/foodcharts.htm Here's what i typed in google" alkaline acid chart and I picked one of the sites that showed up. This site had some very helpful information. Towards the bottom of the page there is some reference to whether a food is highly, moderately or slightly alkaline of acidic.…
Just thinking about you. Hoping you are enjoying your vacation! :~)