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Thyroid Cancer
Archives for October 2017
Discussion List
inconclusive FNA But now Antithyroid globulin is high at 102
Six months ago I had an FNA that was inconclusive but did show follicular changes. They said it was inconclusive because it was very small. I just had some blood work, anti thyroidglobulin which came back at 102 HIGH. I am nervous but am seeing the endocrinologist tomorrow morning and I am sure he will do another…
I lost my ability to sing
I had a thyroidectomy in 2015. No mention was given of any mistakes or damage to my vocal cords, but my voice was hoarse immediately thereafter. It has been over two years now and I still cannot sing or talk loudly without losing my voice. I am so sad about this. I heard mention on the forum of certain types of doctors who…
Follicular lesions with low to moderate risk of filling neoplasm
Thyroid nodule FNA Report risk of Follicular neoplasm New Hi everyone, I am new here. I hope and pray all your hardships be eased. I am 44 year old female with good health maybe. In regular check up my dr. found this thyroid nodule, had ultrasound and FNA done in april 2013. My thyroi U/S shows right lobe enlarged and…
Excessive weight gain after thyroidectomy
In 2012 I was in a severe car accident which led to CT scans of my entire body. These scans identified what seemed to be "calcium deposits" in the right lobe of mythyroid gland. Over a period of 3-4 years I noticed a slight pressure sensation in my throat. I assumed the doctor telling me of these "calcium deposits" had my…