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Thyroid Cancer
Archives for September 2004
Discussion List
complications of total thyroidectomy
I am still awaiting my surgery for a total thyroidectomy in the next couple of weeks and my mind has unfortunately been working overtime. I am most afraid of damage to my vocal cords and the possible need for a tracheotomy. Does anyone know that statistics regarding these type of complications with a total thyroidectomy?…
Salivatory gland radiation damage / Anyone
I had a total thyroidectomy & partial neck dissection 2-03, I received 2 large doses of I131 last year, in Oct 03 I was diagnosed cancer free (yea), about 7 months ago I started having problems with constant dry mouth and swelling in the neck when eating, I visited an ENT and he advised me that I probably had radiation…
Please read I am desperate for feedback
Hi, I have been ill for approximately a year. I had Hodgkin's disease 17 years ago and due to the radiation treatment I have developed thyroid cancer. (3 tumors on right lobe, one on left. I am booked for a total thyroidectomy in 2 weeks. I have many hypothyroid symptoms despite normal thyroid blood tests. One of my major…
Support Group in Alabama
Fellow survivers here who live in or near Alabama, who would like to start a support group in North Alabama Please email me at My name is Kevin.
thyroid cancer doctors in Houston
Hi, I am moving to Houston. I had thyroid cancer three years ago. After three surgeries, my whole thyroid and some lymph nodes on my neck were removed. I am iodine resistent so recently I did a PET scan, it shows I have recurrence on both sides of my neck. Does anybody know a good surgen and a good endocrinologist for…