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Skin Cancer
Archives for February 2011
Discussion List
Re-posting of survivor's message
I do not have skin cancer and just jumped onto this board to share the following--I don't know if this survivor is already on this board or not but I loved her story: 7. April 27, 2010 1:45 pm I, too, have miraculously survived my original expiration date. Mine is stage four melanoma. (Stage five is the other side of the…
Has anybody tried a specific diet in conjunction with traditional medicine to fight melanoma? If so, is it different for melanoma patients than other cancer patients? Supplements, etc? Thanks!
Has anybody tried a specific diet in conjunction with traditional medicine to fight melanoma? If so, is it different for melanoma patients than other cancer patients? Supplements, etc? Thanks!
Husand just diagnosed Stage 4 metastatic melanoma.. HELP
My husbaned had melanoma 12 years ago. It was classified as a stage 2 and involved a lision on his back and evidence of cancer in a sentinal node under in his armpit. Seven lymph nodes were removed at the time. Now, flash forward, three skin lisions appeared and after biopsies, pet scan, etc, he has been diagnosed as stage…
Nodular Melanoma - posted 2/8/11
My husband was recently diagnosed with Malignant Melanoma - Nodular. The Breslow Thickness was 8.5 mm Clarks Level IV. I'm not sure if they considered it ulcerated or not. I know that it has bled before he had the biopsy... but I'm not sure if that's considered ulcerated or not. I've read ulcerated has something to do with…
Cashew-Based Skin Cream For BCC
Hey guys, I just want to share this article that i've read from a local (philippine) Cancer magazine about a skin cream made from cashew nut extracts that is proven to treat BCC without surgery. This cream is know as DeBCC and the inventor received the top prize during the annual convention of the Clinical Congress of the…
Gamma Knife Surgery - I hate this cancer!
After Bob’s brain surgery on January 12th it had been decided that he needed to be treated with Gamma Knife Surgery. This procedure was done on Tuesday, February 1st, it was a long process that started at 6 in the morning and we walked out of there by Noon. In the two weeks after Bob’s brain surgery his tumor had started…
Melanoma and Leukine
Hi, I was just wondering if anybody has recently been put on the Drug Leukine for their Melanoma. I was diagnosed in October of 2009 with Stage 3 Melanoma. It was found with a bothersome mole on my back. Ok, when I say bothersome, I mean it was raised and irritated by my bra strap. I work at a hospital so I went by one of…