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Archives for December 2009
Discussion List
MPNST treatments ?
I am a 34 yo male in South Florida. I had 5 malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors removed from my lower abdominal and pelvic area about 2 months ago.1 was the size of a basketball and the others 3-5 centimeters. Since then have been to the university of Miami and had the pathology redone and have seen a doctor that is (…
Son has Ewing's Sarcoma recurrence for the third time
I am a mom that has a son that has cancer for the third time. He was first diagnosed with this type of cancer when he was 17 and then he got it back when he was 20 and now his doctors are telling us that it came back for the third time. The doctors just did a lot of scans and took some bone marrow to see whether the cancer…
Thank you God!
Hi guys! I joined this group just recently after I found out that my mom might have soft tissue sarcoma. When my mom had found a 4cm tumor on her back, she went to her primary doctor to get it checked out. After two MRI scans, her primary doctor told her that it might be a soft tissue sarcoma. When she found out, she…
hi yall, my name is kay. i was just diagnosed in november with lms. i am so scared from everything i read about it. would appreciate a note back. would like to know how fast it comes back if it does or maybe how long you have survived. also does anybody know anything about the md anderson clinic in houston??????? or the…
DRMSC VS Ewing's
First please allow me introduce myself. My name is Bill and I reside in Sacramento, California. My Fiance' of 6+ years Jennifer has recently (within the past 3 months) been diagnosed with a soft tissue Sarcoma within her abdominal cavity. The tumor itself prior to her first round of P6 protocol chemo was roughly…