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Rare and Other Cancers
Archives for October 2013
Discussion List
Adrenal Cortical Carcinoma
Hoping you experts out there can offer some help. :) This is my 4th trip through "cancer land" and the first time through was more than enough. I was officially diagnosed when pathology came back May 10th of this year. I had major surgery 4/29 for the tumor (1028 grams, late stage III, infilltration of lymph system and…
high grade leiomyosarcoma, left tube
HI, I am Gunjan from India. my mom(52) recently diagnosed with leiomyosarcoma of left tube after her surgery(laptromy). her report says: *High grade Leiomyosarcoma, left Tube. *Borderline serous cystadenoma, left ovary. before her surgery she is diagnosed with TB after her two biospy(lungs and auxillory lymph node). i…
Solid pseudopapillary tumour - Pancreas. Or - Mucinous cystadenoma/Cystadenocarcinoma?
So, I am a 27 year old female that recently had an Pelvic MRI performed to search for deep lesions caused by Endometriosis - and what did they find? A 6x7x5cm "mass" originating out of the tail of my Pancreas. (At first they thought it was a renal mass, but after another MRI, ultrasound and CT scan - they positively…
Any Positive Carcinoid Stories?
My husband was diagnosed with carcinoid cancer in May of this year. He had been having bouts of diarrhea for over 6 months. An endoscpy found several polyps, one in the ileum showed carcinoid. CT scan showed numerous liver metasteses, "too numerous to count" along with two lymph nodes involved. He has been on Sandostatin…
Squamous Cell of Unknown Primary found in Lymph Nodes
I had left inguinal lymph node removed in May of 2012 due to the fact that it swollen and growing larger. It turned out to be squamous cell carcinoma and a PET scan revealed that there were seven other lymph nodes in my pelvis and abdomen that were also cancerous. This staged my cancer at stage 4, although they never found…
Simultaneous Two primary cancers : Colon and Breast
I am a single / widow, 78 years of age, based at Mumbai, India. Have been physically fit all my life - no medical problems till two months ago (except a left TKR in 2008). Suddenly, my world is falling apart. Diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer in last week of August 2013. surgery was conducted on 26th August, resection…
Pancreatic Cancer Traveled to Omentum
My brother was diagnosed this week with Stage 4 pancreatic cancer and has a tumor on his omentum. He was told that it is inoperable and will begin chemotherapy next week. My brother even asked if, should the cancer shrink considerably through his treatments, it may be operable. The categoric answer returned was "no"; they…