ganglioneuroma survivors subsequent to surviving cancer?
Is there anyone else out there who survived a childhood cancer and subsequently got a ganglioneuroma? I survived a neuroblastoma in 1958 when I was an infant and was given radiation therapy before anyone knew better. In 1979 my first surgery to remove a ganglioneuroma from my spine was done. They got about 80% out with…
Pancreatic cancer with vessel involvement???
My husband, age 52, just began chemoradiation to attempt to shrink his tumor away from the SMA, SMV & portal vein. Hopefully this will allow a whipple to be performed in about 2-3 months. Anyone undergo any such treatments prior to surgery? Know of anyone having success with such therapy? Thanks...LindaNuc
Germ Cell or Squamous Cell - Recently Diagnosed
I went to recieve an x-ray last week for what I thought was a pulled muscle or phenomia. Turns out I have five tumors. Two on my pleura (lung lining) and a large one on my thymus gland pressing on my heart, and lymthnodes. I went to the oncologist yesterday and they are trying to determine if it is germ cell or squamous.…
adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC)
I have had two bouts with adrenocortical carcinoma. The first time was in 2002 and now in 2009.I have had surgery two times and the last one was on January15,2009. We have been having a hard time with fear and anxiety. Right now we are waiting to take another pet scan to make sure all of the tumor is gone and then I will…
Unknown Primary Carcinoma - Mediastinum tumor - Mestasis
I would like to know of any other people have been diagnosed w/this and if so, what was the outcome for them.(I hope that I am doing this right)
uterine papillary serous carcinoma
My wife was diagnosed in September. Her CA-125 was 260. She had surgery, and doctors said they had removed all the cancer. But a PET scan showed lymph node involvement in various parts of the body. She started chemo in October (taxol and carboplantin). She tolerated the chemo fairly well after six rounds. Another PET scan…