Bile Duct Cancer
I had surgery last October (2001) to remove half of my liver and create new bile ducts using the Kasai procedure (attaches intestine to remaining bile duct). I am cancer free and mostly feeling great, but still having a real hard time with nausea. Has anyone had similar surgery or similar experience? I'd really appreciate…
Caricinoid Tumor
I am a 29 year old female who was diagnosed with a caricnoid tumor in my small intestine. I underwent surgery in 5/01 to remove a portion of my intestine and 9 lymph nodes. Thankfully, it had only spread to one lymph node and the margins were all clear. Because of this early detection I did not have to undergo any other…
Spindle epithelial tumor with thymus like differentiation
AKA "SETTLE" Is there anyone out there that has had it? My son had a tumor removed last year. Not much info. on it and no one to compare notes with. kheibein@sympatico.ca
Malignant Glomus Tumors
is there anyone out there that has this rare tumor that I may share my story with?! I know that I am number 29 so there are 28 of you out there and I would like to know what happened in your cases. Contact me.