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Prostate Cancer
Archives for November 2021
Discussion List
Biopsy scheduled - Questions
Had borderline PSA over the limit for a few years and finally high enough I was told I needed an in office biopsy or MRI. I went with the MRI, which I guess was good because the Pi-RAD 4 lesion is in the anterior region and likely wouldnt have been caught. I'm scheduled for an MRI guided transperinal biopsy mid December.…
RP 5 years ago
RP 5 years ago MK1965 Nov 12, 2021, 8:22:25 AM Just recently, had my 5 years since my prostate removal surgery. My prostatectomy was with bilaterally saved nerves, but that did not helped me to recover sexual function until I received penile implant. Also, I never regained orgasmic function. I was not very lucky one. Still…
Risk of biopsy spreading cancer outside the prostate?
Hi everyone, My husband is planning to get a fusion biopsy soon, but is concerned about the possible side effects. Can anyone share details about how much risk there is of the biopsy spreading any possible cancer beyond the prostate? So far, I've heard about a study from 2015 (from BJU International) saying that needle…
Calculating PSADT following recurrence
Just joined this forum. I had a robitic prostatectomy 1 year ago. Gleason of 4+4 determined post surgery. Inital post-op PSA =.1 ng/ml. 4 months later PSA = .2 ng/ml (recurrence). I am having PSA determined every two months. PSA has stayed steady at .2 ng/ml for 5months. Latest PSA=.3ng/ml. Number is starting to rise. My…
Which treatment
Recently was diagnosted with prostate cancer Gleason score of 7 3+4. Trying to decided radiation or surgery. Very concerned about side affects. Doctors say it's a personal choice. Can anyone help from past expieriences or knowledge.
PSA Rise
Hey! I'm new here. I'm 61 years old and last year my PSA was 2.3 and one year later it jumped to 4.1. My Uroligist is not worried at all. He said wait 2-3 months and recheck it and if it goes up more we will worry but most likely it will come down. He said the fact that it is only 4.1 and it has only beeen one year means…
Recent diagnosis questions
Hi everyone, My story's probably pretty common: last year I go in for an annual checkup, primary care doc ran blood tests, and WHAM! elevated PSA (7.9). He referred me to a urologist who did the DRE (nothing) and then had me do an MRI and a "liquid biopsy" (came back negative; still don't know what that was supposed to…