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Prostate Cancer
Archives for January 2021
Discussion List
Post-Radical Prostatectomy Side effects
I am now 6 weeks post-radical prostatectomy and I am doing remarkably well. Favorable pathology report finding the cancer contained with no sign of margin involvement. Will have ultra-sensative PSA blood test in a couple of weeks to confirm. I have lost about 15 lbs and I am only mildly incontinent. I leak when lifting…
Husband newly diagnosed- we are so scared
So our journey has begun.. my husband had PSA of 12.3 on physical this year that led us to the Urologist then to biopsy.. he is a T1c with Gleason 7 and has one area that was 4+3=7 so was told he is unfavorable intermediate. His prolaris was 4.5 so Dr said his cancer is acting like an 8 or 9. We have decided to have the…
PSA Level Post HDR Brachytherapy
this past december, i turned 47. in feb. 2019, i was diagnosed with GS 4+3=7 PCa. in july of that year, i was treated with 6 months of casodex 50mg. until january of 2020. on january 9th and 23rd, i received HDR brachytherapy. at diagnosis, my PSA was 11.9, later that year, after going a few weeks without casodex, my PSA…
Incontinences During Radiation Treatment
Hello, I just started (2 treatments) Protron Therepy radiation treatment for my prostate cancer. Part of the process is to fill your bladder before the treatment. I'm having a very difficult time being able to hold a full bladder long enough to get through the treatment completed. As most of you know you are required to…
prostate external beam radiation and pubic hair loss 2 yes or no....anyone?
yes or no? has anyone experienced some or all pubic hair loss after external beam radiation?
prostate radiation and hair loss
i had 8 weeks of external radiation to prostate bed , (had surgery a year befor) ,but there was still residual cancer just wondering if anyone has lost any or huge amounts of pubic hair down there, or do i something else going on?
Lost < (less then) sign
I am 4 years post RP (11.2.2016) and I lost less then sign last July. My doc ( men's health specialist) who is monitoring my PSA and Testosterone is always ordering ultra sensitive PSA (3rd generations). befor, it was always <0.006. Last July becomes 0.006 and yesterday it was 0.007. Neither my doc nor am I concerned about…
Recent results of prostatectomy, with detectable PSA
4 months after my prostate surgery, i had a PSA of 0.14.. My gleason score was 9...They now want me to do hormone and radiation and stay on the hormone trt. for 18 months to 3 years.. I am very woried about the side effects of hormone trt... I just turned 78 yrs. old.. Thanks Arnold
Joining the Club with high initial PSA
Hello All: Best Wishes to Everyone for a better 2021 !! My own new year is beginning with the life changing news that we all have had. All indications at this point are that 2021 will be more challenging for me. Perhaps much more! All was going well until the first week of December, when I began having mild symptoms of, I…