Recovery from Hormonal Therapy. My latest results
Independently of the treatment one has chosen or been administered, we all will go through a period of recovery which experiences are important to know in advance by the many starting the therapy. In any case, recovery experiences from hormonal treatments are rarely reported and diverse probably because HT is usually…
Diamon Systems
My biopsy slides were read by Diamon Systems out of OK, where a team of pathologists meet to review all cancer diagnoses. Is anyone familiar with Diamon Systems? Should I get a second opinion from Hopkins?
Yet another thread about PSA recurrence after RP
Hello all. New to forum - first post. I have had prostate cancer screening since age 40 due to a FH of prostate cancer in my father. PSA's always normal. In July 2009 during a routine PE, my PCP palpated a nodule. PSA was 2.14. Previous PSA 18 months earlier was 1.4. Was referred to a local urologist where prostate bx's…
How would you interpret this?
After reviewing the pathology report from December 2011 following Tim's RP I notice that during examination of 9 removed lymph nodes it was concluded "no tumor present". Further in the report there is mention of " no regional lymph node metastasis" Does this rule out micro-metastasis? Can Micromets been seen during node…
Need your opinions on best treatment options.
I am a fairly healthy 53 year old male that was diagnosed with PCa and here is the pathology report. My urologist recommended I read "Prostate Cancer for Dummies" before seeing him last week and told me to take a week before deciding which treatment option to choose. If I choose surgery, he would refer me to one of the…
treatment after prostate removal
I recently underwent a rp robotically with Dr. Shah in Atlanta. Surgery went great, I feel great. My gleeson was 8 , before surgery I had a bone scan and ct which both were negative. Post surgery pathology report came back with no cancer in lymph nodes or bladder. However it showed that there was a small amount of cancer…
New to this and pretty lost
Ive been doing some research but seem to get some conflicting information and frankly pretty overwhelmed, while already struggling to stay calm. I was hoping to find some insights here. My 49 year old fiancé was just diagnosed. His PSA is 16, his Gleason (4,4) is 8. He's set for the CT and Bone scan tomorrow so we'll know…
Fatigue after radiation therapy
Have weakness in legs after 45 radiation treatments. Doing pt. still have problems. Will this end
I had a robotic RP on 11/10/11. All went well. Healed good no pain meds or incontinence issues. ED work in very good progress. I was running 4 miles 3 or 4 times a week and eating right. Honestly looked better than when I was 40 (turned 50 in April). In late June I started haveing back pain and leg pain. All indications…
John Daly's PCa pants
Gotta root for John Daly today: http://blog.sfgate.com/ongolf/2012/08/10/john-daly-finds-novel-way-to-raise-awareness-of-prostate-cancer/
Three and one half years after surgery I am proud, and relieved, to report that my recent PSA check came back as less than 0.01. I was one of those guys that just wanted the cancer removed, quantity of life over quality. Guess I got lucky, everything seems to be working. Hope to be back next year to report more of same.…
Went back on HT two months ago. I quit because of all the side effects it caused when I started.. Now my left leg is going numb from the knee down, and my fingers on the left side are tingling all the way up to the second joint. Is this a side effect of HT or is this something else? Pain in leg is bad. Fingers are not that…
I was seen at sloan kettering today 18 months post op open rps gleason 7 3+4 psa 13.7 Psa remains undectable 0.05 no pads and still use viagra but I dont need to at 15 months I think nerves started to recover , best wishes to everyone I am going to toast my Dr with a cold beer
New Member
Hello I am a new member but have been following this forum for several months. I was diagnosed with a Gleason 6 last August. My PSA was 4.5 at my annual physical and my doctor referred me to a urologist who convinced me to have a biopsy. 2 cores were positive for cancer but had small involvement. Urologist want to do RP. I…
Gleason 3 + 4
Background-was applying for life insurance last fall and found my PSA had rose from 2.4 to 3.4 in a few months. Insurance co. asked for Dr. to confirm. Did so, PSA was 4.2 after a few months. Did biopsy, 3 spots of Gleason 6 and one with Gleason 3 + 4. Was set to do seeds, but had to get second opinion as my uruologist…
ADT increase Heart conditions
The degree to which modern forms of androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) increase risk for serious cardiovascular side effects (and death from heart attacks in particular) is a complex and controversial subject, and there are few really good prospective data on which to base sound clinical decision-making. Historically, it…
Incurable prostate cancer ..it spread to hip
My husband had his prostate removed. Few months later it spread to his hip. Had radiation and hormone therapy. He is incurable but treatable. PSA has been undetectable for almost a year. My question is, if the PSA is so low , why does he have leg pain 24/7 and needs pain meds everyday. His doctor says it is from the cancer…
Just online and saw an article on Chemo for prostate cancer patients. It was saying that researchers found that the Chemo caused an offshoot Wntb61,I think, that causes the cancer cells to grow even faster and makes them resistant to further treatment. they said they were surprised at this. Now they are saying they might…
Xjeva Experiences
The old Doc. just put me on Xjeva shots as it apperas my Cancer may be getting to take a trip to the bones. Anyone here have experince with this drug?
Question about interpreting Nadir criteria
First I would like to offer some encouragement to those recent entries with Gleason 9 level prostate cancer. I am currently 58 and was diagnosed in March, 2008 with prostate cancer- PSA 29.7, Gleason 9 (4+5), with the biopsies on the left side of the prostate involving between 50% to 100% of tissue. After receiving eight…