PSA after 40 radiation treatments
My husband just finished his 40th radiation treatment 2 weeks ago and just got the results of his PSA test after going thru the radiation. Before the radiation his PSA was 0.19 and now it is 0.17. Not much difference, however, his primary Doctor"s nurse said that the number was good and within the tolerance Zone. He has an…
Pelvic Bone/Bladder Involvement
Hello, My Dad is dealing with advanced prostate ca, which has invaded his pelvic bone and bladder. He has had one procedure to remove growth in bladder, and surgeon says he needs another ( last one was 2 months ago!). Also, his pelvic bone, is causing such pain. Dr has suggested time-released opiate medication. My Dad is…
Is anyone else being bombarded with spam advertising Viagra, other virility supplements and penis enlargement drugs? Perhaps it's just a coincidence but ever since I had my RP and joined this Discussion Group I have been receiving tons of the afore mentioned advertisements. Anyone else see a similar coincidence? Thanks,…
RP Surgery 2 weeks ago......
I am 41 yrs. old (I know I'm too young!) and I'm recouperating from a successful surgery on May 1st. My psa prior to sugery was 8.6 and my biopsy revealed a Gleason of 3+3. My cancer was palpable, so my staging was T2a. My biopsy shows the cancer throughout the gland and a Gleason still at 3+3. My Dr. is concerned about…
surel nerve graft
I am 46 and I was diagnosed in Aug. 9, 2002 with a 15.9 my gleason was a 7 at pre op and an 8 post op it was just breaking through the gland when i had the RP. so far my p.s.a. has remained 0.01 yea!. I went to the University of MIchigan hospital at the time of my surgery they harvested a nerve from from my ankle and…
Second opinion for follow-up post-surgery
How do we get a second opinion for follow-up treatment after radical prostetectemy? Have not received the post surgery lab report yet but doctor said it looks as though it was not contained. Would like a doctor at Hopkins to look at his case. Receptionist says they only take cases they performed the surgery on. But, they…
Prostate Cancer
My husband just had radical prostetectemy a week ago. We will receive the pathology report on Monday. The doctor is pessimistic that it was contained within the prostate. (Husband is 53). How do we get a second opinion on next steps? His surgery was at Georgetown University Hospital. When we call Hopkins the receptionist…
which treatment?
I'm 62, just diagnosed, but very low-level so far. Gleason 6, T2a, otherwise healthy and active. I'm torn between watching and waiting, or seed implants. I'd appreciate any word of experience, anybody who's had the seeds for some years, what you've undergone, level of satisfaction? also, has anybody my age decided on…
Post RP
During the last 2 months this message room has not only been a learning experience it has been a comfort. My husband had surgery 3 weeks ago, with the pathologist report informing us that cancer had been detected in the margin. Today we received our first PSA test and prayers have been answered. The result was <0.1!! The…
Prostate Cancer
I have been diagnosed with stage T1C prostate cancer with a Gleason score of 3+3. The cancer was in less the 5% of the biopsy. The Bone scan was negative. I am getting conflicting information as to what treatment to undergo. The surgeon recommends surgery, the radiation oncologist says radiation. The Bracheyherapy doctors…