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Ovarian Cancer
Archives for October 2013
Discussion List
The doctor and the PA both agree that they are 90% positive it is cancer. Still holding the good thoughts, though. Will hear from the lady tomorrow who will schedule a mammogram and biopsy for the same day. Guess we'll know for sure once we get results, and then decide on a game plan, if necessary. 10% chance it is NOT…
Hello Dear Ones - checking in
Hi Loves... I haven't been here in awhile and I wanted to read through posts to see how everyone was doing. Sorry I've been absent for awhile, but been real busy with chemo treatments, granddaughters and a new puppy! I must be crazy, but this little (quickly getting larger!), ball of fur has made me very happy. For those…
large intake of air
Last night I went to a home party. They were selling kitchen items. The company was featuring items that would receive a 25% donation to breast cancer research if you made a purchase. So the company rep said, the host had told her a couple people at the party had fought cancer, who? and what type? One woman 15 years free…
Monthly Toll Free Telephone Support Group for Women with Ovarian Cancer
Next session is Oct. 9th
Boehner Advises Americans to Delay Getting Cancer for a Year
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—In a special Sunday radio address, House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) delivered a health tip to the American people, advising them to delay getting cancer for a year. “We’re involved in a high-stakes fight over our freedom from centralized government control of our lives,” said Mr.…
Lapse in government funding affects clinical trials web-site
News on PARP inhibitors???
Does anyone have any info on status of FDA approval of any of the PARP inhibitors. Olaparib i believe falls in that catagorie Ive heard realy great things about them. Ive headr rumor of approval as soon as Jan. 2014 Unfortanetly my cancer is growing throughtout my active treatment hoping to get some info on other options.…
those of you NED & CA 125 in single didgets---are yoiu able to function as if you weren't ill?
Due to my severe stroke & use of just my right side - brain damage - along with chemo brain Stroke fcauses bbrain fog balance & weakness issues. this is all exacerbated by chemo & cancer side effects. hoping for an improvement inwell being after debulking & single digits. Opinions ? have you noticed a big difference in…