Instant Ocean baths
Bonnie, you said to start the baths after the 7th day of infustion or start right from day 1?
topotecan or taxotere
I have reoccuring ovarian cancer in the chest wall and am being offered a choice of two regiments. topetecan and carboplatin or taxotere and carboplatin. Have any of you taken any of these 3 drugs. Please let me know how effective they were and what side effects you had. I need to make a decision by next week. thanks for…
Rash associated with Doxil
Can anyone tell me about the rash associated with Doxil
over 1 yr survivor & recur
Hi, I have not been on here for a while, but I have been thinking of it. I was dia with oc stg 3 in May of 2005. With surgery and chemo, I have been in remission for 1 year in Sept this yr. I feel great and I have been living life so differently than I was BC. Now the cancer has come to pay another visit. 2 spots on the…
Follow up ovarian visit/skin cancer?
Had my latest followup visit this a.m. All looks fine other than waiting on CA125 results. Have a bump on my nose that they want checked and they are setting up an appointment. I'm hoping it is negative. If not, can anyone tell me what to expect?
taxotere and carboplatin
Has anyone taken taxotere and carboplatin combination? are either alone? What side effects did you have? I am suppose to start the taxotere and carboplatin regiment and have heard bad things about taxotere. Would appreciate any input. Eleen
What is this and how does it work. I have Stage 3C OC. Operated on in 10-05, 9 cycles of carbo and taxotere, back on chemo with carbo and gemsar. Does anyone know what this is and who can get it
Weight Gain
Has anyone experienced weight gain with the chemo. I thought you were to lose weight. Also, has anyone experience a rise and fall in your CA125 during chemo? Is this normal? or is there anything normal about cancer
Could stress cause this..
Hi Everyone, I have a question,most of U know about my Sister.Well, she stopped taking the treatments about a few months ago.She said she couldn't take anymore,couldn't handle it,and that since they got all of the cancer during surgery and she had had 3 treatments before surgery,3 after, then she was suppose to take more…
As a friend I want to help
My close friend was recently diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She had hysterectomy and has now started chemo with radiation to follow. She is very discourged and I don't know what to do to help her. What do I say to her when she cries and says that she doesn't believe the fight is worth it? The radiologist told her the…
Scared out of my mind
Well, it's 5:30 in the morning and I haven't been to sleep yet. At 4:00 in the morning the night before I was having so much stomach pain that I husband took me to the ER. I have been to two doctor visits in the last six weeks complaining of nausea, bloating and stomach pain, but last night it seemed worse. After cat…
Well, my doctor visit yesterday proved to be successful AND hopeful. My CA125 has stablized these last two months at 10 (was 8 during my 6 rounds of chemo). The HIDA scan showed NO gall stones. The CT scan showed NO blood clot in the gonadal vein and NO EVIDENCE OF DISEASE! I must admit I still have a few aches and pains…
Has anyone used topotecan as parat of their cancer treatment?