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I was wondering if anyone has experienced sexual changes since their hysterectomy/chemo treatments? Don't get me wrong-I'm thrilled to be alive and doing well at this time but I miss that part of me t…
My friend has ovarian cancer, stage 3, her twin sis is considering having a hysterectomy and oophorectomy. Both are 50, neither has had children. I read the dialog on getting ovarian cancer, and not e…
My friend had ovarian 3a. She is 10 months out of chemo, and looking good. her ca125 has been 8-10 for 8 months. it dropped immediately when chemo started. She would like her port removed. the doc wan…
Wednesday I am having my ovaries removed. I had my uterus removed 12 years ago. I am post-menapausal and a one year breast cancer survivor. The ovaries are being removed as a precaution. The operation…
I am contacting this group because I am looking to help people. As many of you know when a person is diagnosed with cancer it is almost impossible to find health coverage. I am located in Arizona and …