Dear Lorna: Thank you for your response. I do not know why my cancer reocurred, I did have a complete hyster. at the age of 29, I was fortunate enough to have one child already, some both my husband and I feel very blessed to have her. I hope your last treatment went well and you are feeling good now. You are in my…
Stage IV caretaker
My sister has epethelian ovarian cancer (clear cell). She has been in remission for three years but it is now back in full swing. I will be taking a leave of absense from my job and staying with her. What sort of reality should I prepare for and how can I best support her?
New Caregiver to my mother
My name is Tenzin, and my mother has just been diagnosed with OvC Stage 3C. She's had the tumor debulking surgery and Chemo starts next week. My father is infirm with diabetes and arthritis, so I'm now the primary caregiver for both parents. If this isn't an argument to avoid having only one child I don't know what is!…
i am new here!
I hope everyone is doing well today, or when you read this message. I am a 37 year old with recurrent ovc, reocurred in December. Currently I am taking topo(sp?), only one treatment so far. My dr. switched me from tax/carbo as it was not bringing down my CA125 as he was looking for. Hopefully this will work. Beat once, can…
teeth pain after chemo
I have been off chemo for my ovarain cancer for about 6 months now...Since then I have had major pains in my teeth off and on (bad enough to rush to my dentist and be put on vicodin)..they find nothing wrong in there...has anyone here ever had such problems?? or close to it?? Id appreciate some help here...thank you!!!