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Lung Cancer
Archives for December 2011
Discussion List
Mesothelioma is a cancer in the lining of the lungs, heart or abdominal cavity that is caused by exposure to asbestos. Common symptoms include difficulty breathing, side or back pain, fluid buildup, nausea and vomiting. Mesothelioma cancers have a long latency, often not developing symptoms for decades after the initial…
Mother's Lung Cancer - New here
My mom, 55, has officially been diagnosed with stage IV SCLC. It started at the end of July when her right leg started periodically going numb. Then it would "awken" and go into a localized seizure. Just having a peripheral bypass a year prior, we thought it was a blood clot. We took her to the hospital, where they kept…
just a little hello from the colorectal forum and happy xmass to everyone in the lung cancer forum
I am a stage 3 or maybe 4 colorectal. i have been in the colorectal forum for over a year, i post alot. i never sticky beak into other forums on csn. but i have lost an aunty a year ago to lung cancer and my good friend as well a few months ago. another friend with lung cancer met from her breast cancer just last week. I…
It happened so fast... Renee has passed
Thank you all for helping me with this journey. My wife Renee (Nay)died in her sleep last night. Luckily we had told our four children that while we hoped to stave off death, that things could unravel. Unfortunately my wife thought she had a few months left. The doctors were stunned she went so fast. But I knew last night…
Got PET scan results today...
...And not what I really wanted to hear.Appears my cancer has metatisized to lungs. Multiple 5-7mm nodules in lungs all new compared to my last scan. Most have mild FDG activity with a SUV max of approximately 2. Onc basically said I'll be on indefinate chemo. Had already done 12 rds of 5/fu and now wanted to put me on…