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Lung Cancer
Archives for October 2003
Discussion List
Cerebellar degeneration and lung cancer
Has anyone been diagnosed with Paraneoplastic Cerebellar Degeneration along with the lung cancer? Brenda
this guy i have known sence i was 6 has cancer
i have known steve sence i was real little he just got diagnosted with terminal lung cancer hes like my dad and i dont know what to do... its really painful espshealy for his 11 year old daughter and his 13 year old son is there anything i can do to help?
New Member Need Support!
I am a new member to this site as of today and think it's absolutely wonderful! We all need some support! I am 36 years old and my dad was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer this last May and underwent surgery to have 2/3 of his right lung removed. He had seven weeks (once a week) of chemo and 35 days of radiation. His…
nscc 3b lung cancer - painful stomach bloating, gas side effect; heimlich valve
Today my husband is laying on the couch in alot of pain, caused from this stomach bloating issue. He just got out of the hospital a week ago, he was there for 3 weeks. He has a collapsed lung, with alot of fluid that they drained, but were not able to open back the lung. The fluid is starting to come back into the lung and…
Dad wanting to quit treatment
My Dad is literally changing his mind from one day to the next about continuing treatment. When he is feeling good, he talks positively about beating the odds, but when he is feeling bad, he says he wants to die. Last Thursday he checked himself into the hospital because he was feeling bad & they brought up his magnesium…
He's only 24!!!Could it really be cancer?
Hello everyone, I am seaking opinions/facts/or whatever I can get. My boyfriend, Aaron, has just had his third c-scan, the first was for what he thought was an ulcer, and instead they just happened to notice a spot on his lung. 2 months later he had another c-scan and discovered a cluster of nodules that "could be…
newly diagnosed
T1N0M0. Right upper centrally located lobe mass. Lobectomy, lobectomy, lobeectomy. That's all they say. Is there anyone out there who has had this and can tell me what to expect? Has anyone had a sleeve or wedge resection, if so what was the location of the mass and how did you feel after surgery. Need answers quick. I…
My mom after treatment
I am wondering if someone can assist me with some answers about some experiences they have had or witnessed. My mom has undergone chemotherapy for lung cancer that has appeared for the time being to be successful (doctor thinks it is in remission). However, she also has gone through radiation for the cancer spreading to…