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Liver Cancer
Archives for September 2012
Discussion List
Hi everyone! I'm an old pro at the head and neck discussion board but now I have a liver question. Father in law was diagnosed with cirrhosis about 15 years ago. He went through a series of 3 different types of treatment, none of which worked. They gave him a life expectancy of about 5 years which he passed about 5 years…
Blocked portal vein
Has anybody who has liver cancer or known anyone with liver cancer who had a blocked portal vein? My dad is going on Nexavar and we were wondering if it will shrink it. Any info will be helpful. Thank you!
Having trouble coping with my dad's liver cancer diagnosis.
My dad is 62 years old and recently diagnosed with liver cancer. I am 34 years old and my dad is the best father I could ask for. I don't know how to process this... eventually I will not be able to pick up the phone and talk to him or see him on holidays. I have no kids yet and so they will never know him and I feel…
Rapamune (Sirolimus)
Hi there, My mom got a liver transplant in February and now she is doing okay. But, recently she was put on a new drug "rapamune" or sirolimus. Has anyone taken it after liver transplant. It seems the drug is for kidney transplant patients. We are in foreign country and I am worried that they may be just doing drug test on…
Daughter looking for options for mom's mets in smaller liver ducts causing severe increase in Bili,
Hi all My mom has Stage 4 rectal - diagnosed last June '11. I thought you folks may have some ideas... I posted last night about my mom's liver enzymes flying up over the last 10 days. It seems that her Bilirubin and Alk Phosphatase are those of highest concern - they are very high (over 1300 for Alk Phos). Recent news…
Liver Cancer Support Group At CPMC, San Francisco
If you live in the San Francisco Bay Area or near, California Pacific Medical Center will hold their Monthly Liver Cancer Support Group Meeting on Tuesday, September 11th from 2pm to 3:30. They meet every second Tuesday of the month. For more information go to…
Starting Nexavar tomorrow
Well its been quite a ride since last October when a 17cm lesion was removed from my left lobe, 5 months later I had 5 lesions on the liver, I received a embolization which killed 4 of the 5 lesions and the fith one was half dead. Well that was in May, last month I had an MRI done and it showed the lesions grew back and…
Starting nexavar tomorrow
Well its been quite a ride since last october when a 17cm lesion was removed from my left lobe, 5 months later I had 5 lesions on the liver, I received a embolization which killed 4 of the 5 lesions and the fith one was half dead. Well that was in May, last month I had an MRI done and it showed the lesions grew back and…
Starting nexavar tomorrow
Well its been quite a ride since last october when a 17cm lesion was removed from my left lobe, 5 months later I had 5 lesions on the liver, I received a embolization which killed 4 of the 5 lesions and the fith one was half dead. Well that was in May, last month I had an MRI done and it showed the lesions grew back and…