Liver, gallbladder cancer - need questions answered
Even though my mother was first diagnosed with gallbladder cancer, it has spread to the liver. I'm a bit confused because they are still calling it "gallbladder cancer" even though her gallbladder was removed. When it was removed, they had NO idea she had cancer. We found that out weeks later and then weeks after THAT they…
Liver Lesions
I am not sure anyone can help me, but I will ask a question. I had a partial nephrectomy 7 months ago. It was a Stage 2 RCC. I recently had a CAT scan which showed up a liver cyst and a few liver lesions which are stable and were noticed in the scan last June. My doctor says don't worry, we just keep an eye on it. But as…
Adeno Carcinoma
We just received the diagnosis 2 hrs. ago that my husband has been diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer. Needless to say I am overwhelmed! The oncologist will give him chemo for 3 months then retest and gave us a 50/50 chance that the chemo will help. My husband is 75 and is taking the news very well, I am about to turn 60 and…
had my first tace procedure on th 19
dont feel to bad but a lot of pain in my right side when breathe or put pressure on it.and while being discharged a doctors practitinoer looked at my ct scan an seemed a bit supprised he said it was an aggressivec treatment
not sure what to do
my husband was diagnosed with stage IV HCC 7/09, the liver is under control now he has been on nexavar for about a year with a lot of bad side effects, but he is a real trooper. he just had a bone scan and chest xray and the results were perfect, but his Mri shows that he has several lymph nodes that continue to get larger…
Any Pre or Post Transplant patients on Fosomax?
My husband is waiting for a liver transplant and the Hepatologist & Endocrinologist have asked that my husband start taking Fosomax for early signs of Osteoporosis. He was diagnosed when he underwent the evaluation and they want him on something beforehand since prednisone could cause hairline fractures while taking post…
Xeloda and seniors
Hi everyone, I just joined this network since my lovely father has been diagnosed with liver mets after recently being operated for a lesion in his colon. I have lots of questions and concerns as I live far away from him and the feeling of helplessness seems even greater so any support would be great. He is 75 years old…
nexavar and vitamin K
Hello...I've described my situation previously on this board. Diagnosed with HCC in August 2010, large 18cm mass in right lobe of liver with right portal vein branch invasion, unresectable, not a candidate for Tace or therasphere due to excess shunting into lungs etc. AFP initially very high at 160,000+. I started on…