White Blood Count
I wonder if anyone can answer this question. My husband was diagnosed with CLL February 2013. When this horrible journey started, the WBC was 50,000. Mind you, in 2003 it was 20,000 - 30,000. But they did not know it was cancer. They thought it was his Crones Disease -they just thought it was high. So all that time we…
Treatment options/side effects for CLL leukemia
have had Cll leukemia x 5 years. Just had bone marrow biopsy and treatment to begin in couple weeks. My White blood cells are in the 20's lymph nodes count has doubled, spleen is much larger. Could someone pls enlighten me on the types of treatment my oncologist will recommend and the expected side effects? Would greatly…
11-year remission of AML and pregnancy planning
I am 32 years old now. I was sick with acute myeloid leukemia in 2002-2004. In 2004 I had the autologous bone marrow transplantation. Since then, I have complete remission. Now I am fine in terms of my health, but I am upset that I don’t have children. With my eggs pregnancy is rather impossible because I do not have my…