Great news for you and glad you found us to share with. It isn't easy trying to find the support we need for ourselves and I had to dig deep to find the underground lesbian gay breast cancer support group in my area. In 2000 we were the only support group of its kind across this entire country of Canada. Other cities had…
CT scan
Thanks for your encouragement though today it is hard to jump on that band wagon. I am shocked truly in how low I feel not being able to shake just how I feel. My God transpot me back 14 years ago to the days of finding out the worst. Here it is, I am more concerned about what these two lumps can be. Ct scan did not…
how to keep a relationship going when a parent has cancer
I'm 25-years-old and have been in an amazing relationship for the past six months. We have planned our lives together and were planning on moving in together this month. A week ago, my dad was diagnosed with esophageal cancer. This has just destroyed my life. He is already disabled from a stroke he had a few years ago and…
Just my luck!
Hello! It's 2am, I just returned home from burying my grandfather to cancer, diagnosed 6 weeks ago, so that I can take care of my beautiful baby who had her third chemo treatment on Friday. My sister-in-law works for ACS and told me there were discussion boards I might find useful. I am so happy to have found this board; I…
Looking for information
I was wondering if anyone out there may be familiar or have an opinion on the following. My partner is currently taking a combo of taxol and carbo chemo drugs. This is her second time dealing with chemo due to a spread of her cancer. The first time with the same drugs she had really little problem. However this time around…
Wow after nine years of being with this site with some voids of time due to living the life. It is nice to see this board being used after all, knowing that there is something to surrounding ourselves with those most like us. I moved away from my family and childhood friends. I had already moved from my small town to the…