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Personally, it never occured to me not to be open about the fact that my base of tongue cancer tested positive for HPV. However, after meeting numerous people (online and in person) who have received …
Hello I'm new here and although not diagnosed yet...looks pretty clear where things are heading...wish I could say differently. Anyway I'm educating myself as much as I can in advance and from I can s…
So tomorrow my hubby goes in for his 3rd scan post treatment. The last two were completely clear. But still there’s the worry that this time.... I’m choosing to remain positive and pray for the best. …
Anyone else feeling way, way out of shape after treatment?(several months out) I think I have about 85% of my energy back and yet to go on a simple walk I can't do anymore than 30min, and I am way slo…
Whats the deal? Last chemo was first week of August. Last radiation was middle of July. Here we are at December and I still cannot taste 99% of foods. I don't understand, I didn't have tongue cancer, …
Like many here who have experienced treatment (as patient or as caregiver) I have gone thru much change on taste and drymouth. I am a bit less than a year out from last treatment, and today, suddenly …
I had a soft dark purple lesion that I found with my tongue in the roof of my mouth on the right side in early September. Painless I might add. Looked basically like a very small blood blister. Went t…