Peg Removal
Hi, I'll be getting my Peg removed in about three weeks and was wondering if anyone can tell me what to expect or what their own experience was. Is there any pain - are there stitches, etc. Thanks for your info. Have a great nite and hope to hear from you soon.
Thyroid Problems
Does anyone have Thyroid Problems? Do you want to be a pen pal? I have Hypothyroidism from my radiation of 11 years ago and was wondering?
help with diagnosis
I was wondering if someone could share their story with me of how they were diagnosed with esophageal cancer. My husband has had a lump inside his esophagus for 2 and a half months now. At first he could only feel it when he swallowed, but now he feels it all the time. His first doctor told him he had mono, the second said…
Tooth loss
Has anyone had tooth loss because of radiation therapy? I was having the worst pain in my life about 3 to 4 weeks after receaving rad. So they put me on all kinds of pain meds. for what I thought was headaches. then the enamel started coming off my teeth, then one of my molers broke off at the gums.I went back to my…
Had tongue cancer 11 years ago.Does anyone want to be a pen pal. It really helps to talk to someone about radiation treatment. Please?
Dr. Lorraine Day?
Has anyone here ever tried Dr. Day's program, or know anybody that did? Looking for info about her alternative cancer treatments.. Thanks, M
I am not sure where it goes and as for your reply I didn't get one as it tells me there are no messages in my mail box I did recieve one from you the only one and nothing else also it tells me you do lnot have a home page yet so I like you don't know what is happening. my email is jerrikehoe@hotmail.com did you mail me at…
Do our M.D.'s go through radiation??
As I continue to study this horrible disease and the barbaric, perhaps worse than the disease treatments, I keep hearing distant voices from individuals and the internet, saying that our cancer M.D.'s typically shun radiation and chemo when THEY get this disease. Has anyone out there heard stats on this subject, and, if…
To Orphan
Orphan I recieved your reply and I mailed you back but haven't heard anything from you and I am anxious to hear from you Thanks Jerri
nasal pharnyx surgery yes
I had my first surgery for this cancer in 1976 I was 29 years old so yes there is definately surgery I know that for a fact I have had several recurrances and am now 55 years old my cancer began in my sinus and spread all over and than in 1986 I had major surgery this time 131/2 hours to remove 4cm of my cribriform plate…
nasalpharnax cancer
to the people who have rep;yed to me I had a crash and was off line jerrikehoe@hotmail.com
Another Rare Cancer
Looking for anyone who has Olfactory Esthesioneuroblastoma.
recovery from surgery
I am a 64 year old man and on Nov. 26, 2001, after being informed that a routine gastroscopy and biopsy of Barrett's changes in my lower esophagus had revealed adenocarcinoma of the esophagus at the esophageal-gastric junction, I was admitted to USC University Hospital (after a bunch of tests including coeliac angiography,…
nerve damage
Has anyone had neck pain after 11 years of radition treatment? I have it.