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Colorectal Cancer
Archives for January 2021
Discussion List
Abrub is back
It’s been a while. Overall, I’m doing well, however, I’ve had 3 cancer-related surgeries since July, and a temporary colostomy. My appendix cancer came back in my peritoneum a year ago, but I was considered inoperable because of some questionable spots on my lungs. Thus, back to chemo – FolFiri + Avastin. Abdominal cancer…
Stalking the board
So I have developed this habit of sort of randomly clicking back through this board and reading the posts, then I will go and click on the user to view their profile. From this behavior I have became super distressed by seeing all of the people who either disappear, or end up on a "people we lost" post when I search their…
Is colorectal cancer inoperable and incurable?
Are colorectal adenomas located in the esso-rectal part and in the pelvis (the size of the adenoma 5.1-6.5) inoperable and incurable? The water immediately drained into the bag. The patient was drastically losing sight and the doctors, regardless of that, forced a biopsy, infected the whole organism and pumped antibiotics…
Hershey trip
My dear friends, one week from today I will be going back to Penn State Hershey MC for re-scanning and another talk with the liver surgeon. Three months ago I was there to see him after I decided to leave Geisinger for their in action as to my case. By the time I got there I was told that my liver could be cured of…
Happy New Year
May 2021 bring you many Blessings with family and loved ones surrounding you always. Thank you to this board for all the support your have given to so many people. Health and happiness to all of you. Kim
Surgery and HAI pump coming soon...HELP!!!
Greetings...I'm so glad that I found this site! I was diagnosed June of 2019. I'm in NJ so I wound up at MSK for treatment. Long story short I had Chemo followed by chemo/radiation then a resection in August, 2020. This left me with a temporary illiostomy. I had the reversal a little over a month ago in early November. All…