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Colorectal Cancer
Archives for November 2004
Discussion List
Little Julie's Cousin
Hi everyone, Well unfortunately Julie is not near a computer right now so she asked me (her cousin) to post this message. On Saturday, my aunt (her mom) was vomiting excessively. Once they realized that it would not stop, they brought her to the hospital on Sunday morning. The doctors determined that my aunt had blockage…
Taking one day at a time
Hello everyone, I have getting stronger with each day appetite getting better. I have less pain. Got my staples out Friday the 29th. Doctor said I can see the Oncologist in about 2 weeks. I was blessed by God and your prayers. I had a large Cancer about 10cm on the outside of my liver when they went in and did the liver…
Need Info!!
Hello Guys - Sue here. I just received a call from my daughter -in-law. she said to try the Cancer Center of Amer. in Zion, Illinois. She said that this is a place for advanced cancer patients. Is anyone formiliar with this canter? We are hanging in there!!! Bob is doing aobut the same. He is getting out more now then he…
Help- What have we done to deserve this?
I find myself asking today,"God, how much more do we have to bear?" I know He says he won't put you through more than you can bear, but I find myself doubting. I'm in a really bad mood today. Very down. My husband went looking for work all day and could find nothing. West Virginia is at the bottom of the list as far as…
Thanks for all the encouragement. The pills are called visicol and you end up with dulcolax. I had a hard time keeping down the colytle and the nutrylite stuff so they thought this might be easier on me. I was just wondering what the effect are going to be like. I am trying not to be nervous about this, but I know it is…
Speedo Sponger
Hey Bob, how is your mate Sea-Detail doin mate??