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Archives for January 2005
Discussion List
Writing a book, advice?
Hi there! I am brand new to this site, but not to providing emotional support to someone with cancer. My uncle has been living with squamous cell carcinoma for about twenty years now, though I've only known him for five. He had a laryngectomy about fifteen years ago, so I learned about his experience with cancer…
first posting
i've never posted anything anywhere, but came across this site today. my wife has been fighting cervical cancer for 2.5 years now. they just told her - despite 3 surgeries, aggressive radiation, and aggressive chemo, that it has returned. she has never once complained about her treatments or her situation. she is only 32.…
Mesothelioma Support or Advice
My father age 73 has been diagnosed with Meso. Anyone else dealing with this? I'm suprised that so few people use these message boards. They could be a great place but are used so seldom it seems. Any support or advice would help. Tammy
Mesothelioma support
My father has recently been diagnosed with mesothelioma. Wow what a terrible thing to hear. I would love to hear from anyone dealing with or a caregiver for mesothelioma. He had his first chemo yesterday. He is 73 and not a candidate for surgery. We are hoping for the best. He is taking Alimta. Anyone out there with info…
Brain lesions
My mother, who is 41, just told me that she has a brain lesion, which as a result causes seizures. I don't know much about the subject, and haven't found any information that satisfies my concern and curiousity. If any knows of any extensive information please let me know. thank you.
When it rains, it pours.
I cannot believe what is happening in my family. We just lost my mother-in-law last month to lung cancer following a 3+ year battle. Now, I find out my father has esophageal cancer, don't know any details yet. He visits an oncologist & surgeon next week to figure things out. In addition to that, my mother has to have a…
Loss of your love one
It has been 4 months since my husband of 12 years passed away. My children are 10 and 11 years old. I am trying to stay strong to be able to give emotional support to my children. For 21 months I stayed by my husband side trying to be a compentent caregiver. He is in a better place now, but I am so lost without him. I…