Feeling Overwhelmed
A very dear family friend (I call him my Dad), who is 68, has just been diagnosed with brain cancer. 2 years ago he had rectal cancer, had surgery, was doing great for over a year, when it returned to his shoulder, in his humerus bone. They did 3 weeks of radiation, it is still there. A week and a half ago he fell at his…
Guilt To Live With Now
Hi, I just lost my mother in March 2004. I was her primary care giver also the one child who remained with her at home throughout her life. My Mom had lung cancer and even though we never got to take the brain CAT scan we believe it moved to the brain. MY story is this. The last month she lived I was sitting up all night…
Hi my name is Mandi I am currently a caregiver for a 60 year old lady that has been given 3 to 6 months to live as this is her 3rd battle with cancer and it has taken over her colon, liver, and stomach. She has recently signed a DNR and is considered a hospice patient now. What can I do to keep her spirits up? Is there…
Anyone in my situation? (I'm <30 y.o.; mom is stage IV, has 6-12 months)
It's been a long, long process--my mom was first diagnosed almost 15 years ago with breast cancer, had a double mastectomy and was told that everything was gone. Then 10 years later they discovered that it had returned and metastitized. At that time they gave her a prognosis of 6 months, but here she is 2 and a half years…
Does my mom have Survivors Guilt?....
Shortly after my mom was told she was in remission from her cancer in Feb, she was on top of the world, looking forward to many more years watching her grandson grow up and having a new respect for life. Last week, she confessed to me that she feels really down & has zero motivation to do anything or go anywhere & is…