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Breast Cancer
Archives for January 2020
Discussion List
DIEp Flap: Recommend or Regret
Good morning everyone! I am looking for testimonials of people who have done the DIEP Flap reconstruction. Do any of you regret having the procedure? Do any of you recommend it? Any help, advise would be appreciated!! My backstory. I am a 38-year-old mother of two boys (4 and 6). I live a VERY active lifestyle (running,…
Low WBCs
is there anyway to boost wbc, platelet count? My dad has low wbc (2.5) and they have delayed the chemo for a week. Just wondering if anyone has experienced this. He is doing ac.
Is anyone familiar with Noscapine as a breast cancer treatment?
Hi Everyone, Is anyone on this forum familiar with using Noscapine as a breast cancer treatment? I have been reading a lot about it lately. It is a non-addictive extract from the opium plant that studies are showing is very effective at treating breast cancer. Please let me know if you have heard of it or tried it and…
Did you know that psyche is involved in cancer process?
More and more researches prove that chronic stressful state of mind creates predisposition towards development of cancer by weakening the immune response and other anti-cancer defence systems. For example, in a study carried out in the University of Manchester in the UK, 1,596 women were psychologically examined before the…
The Waiting Game
Hi guys. New to the site and first time forum post. Back on August 31, 2017, I had a lumpectomy to remove a stage 2 IDC from my left breast, and according to my surgeon, my oncologist, my test results, and everything else under the sun, I was cancer free and looked good to go. My oncatype test results showed no need for…
Will Chemo get any easier?
Im 34 years old and currently diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer. Did my second round of AC on thursday. Felt aweful for days. two left!! excited about that. Does it get any easier on taxol?
Chemo or not to chemo.
I am 39 years old, and I was recently diagnosed with ER/PR + HER2- DCIS breast Cancer. i had a double masectomey. My onco doc is suggesting chemo. I did genes testing and everything was negative. He is saying that because of my age, I had mutliple tumors in one breast and it did go into a lymph node (but not out) that he…
Tumor colour
My dog has breast cancer and the tumor looked like a large pink lump with a smaller red lump on top. The red lump had a lot of small bumps on it. Since then I've changed my dogs diet and now the tumor has changed shape a bit and is completely pink. Is this meaningful? What does the colour of tumors mean? Is it better for…