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Brain Cancer
Archives for January 2009
Discussion List
Long term effects
I am just curious as to other suvivors stories, I had my tumor( grade 3 astrocytoma right frontal lobe) removed in 1993( 18 years old) and went thru 6 weeks of Radiation and a years worth of Chemo. I am 34 now and I have always felt run down. I have some good days where I can get a lot done, but some days I do not want to…
Biotene Toothpaste
I had a grade 3 astrocytoma tumor on my right frontal lobe 15+ years ago and went thru 6 weeks of radiation treatment and a years worth of chem. I had dry mouth for years after, always felt thristy and always had ulcers. I have been using this for a couple of years now, and what a difference it makes, I only wish I would…
Aspartame, Brain Cancer and the FDA
Millions of people are eating and drinking aspartame and have been doing so for several decades now. If you are one of these millions consuming some of the 6,000 products that contain aspartame, or know someone who is, please keep reading as the information that follows is crucial to your health. There have been more…
sleeping problems
My husband has had an oligodendroglioma for 10 years. He has had 3 surgeries, radiation, 2 gamma knives, and now chemo. At first it was a low grade, but now very aggresive, hence the chemo. He sadly, also has Parkinsons, which is the med he had a reaction to this week. Last nite he slept well, so I am assuming that was the…
problem sleeping
My husband had a terrible night, thrashing around, his feet were jerking, etc...didn't sleep at all. He has been on Temodar for over a year now, MRIs are still ok from reocurrence last year....anyone else have that problem? This is the first time this has happened.Wondering if the tumor is rearing it's ugly head again.
Hi. My husband has a GBM. WAs diagnosed over one year ago..had chemo. Temodar and radiation, and surgery. We started him on DCA, extremely low dosage. We are now on a little over 300mg/kg. he weighs approx. 170lb. Recently, I'v noticed weakness in his right side..hand, arm, leg with some shaking. He was doing well, in fact…