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Brain Cancer
Archives for November 2004
Discussion List
personality change
My mum has recently been diagnosed with brain cancer; which we have been told is terminal- she is only in her early 40s and I am just 20. The scan showed she has several tumors on the brain. For some time members of my family and myself have noticed changes in her personality and she had become paranoid about things. In…
Whole Brain Radiation--Does Anyone Know?
My mother-in-law has just completed whole brain radiation to treat non-small cell adenocarcinoma lung cancer that mets to the brain. I think we're at an all-time low right now. She hasn't bounced back from the radiation at all. She requires constant care, cannot feed herself or perform even basic functions without…
Glioblastoma Multiforme
My aunt is now in her 4th stage of cancer. It is very hard to see her like this. Does anyone know of any alternative treatments they can tell me about? Please let me know!
surgery after-effects
I had surgery 3 months ago for brain cancer. I continue to experience a sensation of running liquid in my head in the area where the surgery took place. Has anyone else had such an experience?
astrocytoma brain cancer
My aunt was diagnosed in april of this year. She is now in stage 4-terminal. The docters say it is inoperable. We're all worried and scared. Please write back if you have had any success with this.
astrocytoma brain cancer
My aunt Rachel is 29 years old and was diagnosed in April of this year. She is now in the forth stage-terminal. The docters say it is inoperable. Please write back if you have had success or good news.