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Gynecological Cancers (other than ovarian and uterine)
Archives for January 2014
Discussion List
my cervical dilemma
Here it is: im 31 yrs old. Always had abnormal paps and - for hvp. 2 weeks ago, I had asc-h n + hvp 18 show up on my pap. Elevated Atypical lymphs showed up on my blood work this past Oct that I just got the results about a month ago in the mail. I wasnt sick in October. So can HPV 18 elevate atypical lymphs or could this…
Vulvar cancer surgery (Vulvectomy) and doing very well.
I am 49 years old and from Michigan. I was recently diagnosed with vulvar cancer and am now 3 weeks out from surgery. I am doing VERY well. My cancer has not spread. They removed the lesion (left side only) and did a lymph node biopsy and it was all clear. I have no further treatment. I would be very willing to share my…
Topotecan Drug
Has anyone else started up on this drug for their ovarian cancer treatment? I will start it today. The carbo/taxol didn't work. The cancer has spread to my spine, liver so I will start up today on Topotecan. If you have started up on this please let me know if it's the same in side effects as carbo/taxol. How long did you…
Cervical cancer tatoos
January is cervical cancer awareness month
It is not too late to remind your family and friends that there is a good and easy to test for cervical cancer. The PAP test is quick and painless and the earlier you can catch any cancer the better the odds of beasting this disease so many of us know. I did see an interview with a doctor (and I wish I could remember what…
Still Dancing
Yes! With NED! Had CT scan of chest, abdomen and pelvis done on Monday and got the results today. Clean. Pelvic exam, my gyn onc said was "fantastic". (My husband told her he already knew that;)). So, see her in three months. Yeah!!! I do however, have yet another UTI. Drag. I seem to be getting one every 2-3 months. I…
Just wanted to send some positive energy your way today, for your mother, and good results for her scan. Hugs.
CSN study FAQ
Please excuse the long post. A number of members have posed questions on the discussion boards or emailed me for more information about the CSN study that has been underway since November 2013. I thought it might be helpful to post the most common questions and my answers. What is the CSN survey? What is its purpose? The…