Cervical Cancer and VAIN III
Hi everyone..just a brief history...in 2000 I had cervical cancer, I had a radical hysterectomy. Normal paps until 2007when I was diagnosed with dysplasia-VAIN 3 of my vagina. I had laser surgery to correct it. After that, I had normal paps. In May 2008, I had abnormal pap...atypical squamous cells of undetermined…
endometrial carcinoma stage IV
i would love to hear from people who are survivers or are going through stage IV endometrial carcinoma. my mom has been diagnosed with it and now starting treatment - i was need some info on differant treatments and what to expect- if anyone knows anything please contact me - l0stmaname@aol.com thank so much
Call for support: International GYN Awareness Day 10 Sept for preventative education
HiEveryone I am new here but have had passion for better awareness of "down there" for 16 years since my radical vulvectomy through my vision of an International GYN Awareness Day 10 September. Just google my name to read more about my work. I just wondered how everyone on this site would feel about promoting this day.…
Radical Vulvectomy - removal clitoris vulva lymph glands
I wish to connect with other women who have had a radical vulvectomy. Kath Mazzella
Stage IV endometrial cancer chemo
My sister was diagnosed in Sept. 2009 with Stage IV endometrial cancer. She had 6 months of taxol/carboplatin and 3 radiation treatments. A CT-PET scan showed no evidence of disease less than 6 weeks ago. Recently, her CA125 shot up and repeat CT-PET scan shows that the cancer is again active. Her doctor wants to put her…
Newly diagnosed
I was just diagnosed with cervical cancer but have not been told the stage as of yet. I was referred to a Dr. Dunton in Lankenau but have seen some of the reviews, which weren't good. Can anyone suggest a good gynecological oncologist located in Delaware Valley or Philadelphia? Any help will be appreciated.