acceptance Member Posts: 1

Hello I'm new here and I am stuggling with my pain from this metastatic breast cancer, diagnosed 7/16 after breast cancer diagnosed in 2012. I am having right hip pain again it has not been present since 01/18 and I thought and hoped that it would continue to stay away. My shoulder pain and the hip are both bone pain. My left rib cage pain x 2 years brought me to my diagnosis in 2016, there is still pain there but in all the scans I have had they "See something", but not sure what it is!  My pain management doctor just looks at me like..duh..okay..I want to shake him at times. I don't want to move doctors again but getting good care is hard. I will not give up! I'm just wondering if anyone can share there experience with this issue. Thank you -Carla


  • Apaugh
    Apaugh Member Posts: 850 Member
    edited May 2018 #2

    I have the same problem.  They all shake their heads at me and say we dont see nothing except arthritis. in the hip.   They say my right rib pain is a nerve.  I gave up on my pain mngt. doc. 

    if you figure it out, please let me know and I will you.

