Mom diagnosed with Adenocarcinoma: Please help with your advise to get right treatment


Hello All,

Hope you all doign great. BUt really need all your advise and share your experiences. Last few days and weeks are being so terrible and shattering to know about her health reports back in India. she has been having sever stomach pain & recetly diagnosed with Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma putting all our family members in so much shock. THis has been unvovered in last 10-12 days where she ended up getting into endoscopic examination and doctor found some mass arising from posterior was of the stomach.  Then doctor recommended do CT scan, CT scan also showed the same mass and few bilaternal lung nodules. Also biopsy report came positive indicating malignancy. Then she was scanned fo r PET scanning to see where else this has been present, and it was found that along with stomach and regional lymph node, it was shown to some extent in Supraclavicular node. 

Based on theese reports one doctor was highlighting this as stage 2 where most of the others were considering this as stage 4 due to metstasis in Supraclavucilar lynph node.  The doctor who was highlighting this issue as stage 2, was ready to undergo surgery. But based on the recommendation of Majority of doctors we took multiple 2nd opinions and they suggested to go neo-adjuvamt chemotherapy.  So we went ahead with Chemo options rather that surgery as to control metastatsis first. Appreciate any inpust on whether we took the correct decision or not as she still has the stomach pain and back of our mind, we were thinking that after surgery that her pain would have gone.

Also now with chemo - They started her on taxol-carboplatin every 3 weeks. I am not sure whether this is appropriate and whether time interval is very long enough OR proper. Please advise.  She is 65 now. i have been reading few articles about cisplatin and S-1 being more effective drug in the pubmed reports but not sure this is clinicaly proven. does anyone of you have any experiences with these medicines.  Also any recommendation  in the current situation.  I will take her to any place or other country where she would get a better treatment. Please suggest.

Thanks. Really appreciate all your inputs.


  • Member Posts: 2
    Please respond

    hello All - Please respond to my above query.. Really in dire need of consulting.. 

  • msmanjushan
    msmanjushan Member Posts: 2

    Please respond

    hello All - Please respond to my above query.. Really in dire need of consulting.. 

    Surgery Recommended

    Dear glorytome,

                           Considering her age,I would recommend surgery as in surgery they tend remove as much as possible if not completely.

    Chemotherapy would only weaken the person as they tend to damage the good tissues as well.I suggest you take multiple doctors opinion on this.The best medical institution is CMC vellore,Though you may take upto 90 days for appointment. On day to day basis, She can have lots of fruits and vegetables especially cabbage juice. 

    Hope this helps