Tongue Flap


My father in law was diagnosed with Head/Neck cancer on December 1.  We finally got in to see the oral surgeon on January 9 with 1st surgery on January 25.  It was a very long surgery and they could not use the bone in his leg or shoulder to replace the bone in his jaw line, so they had to go with a metal plate.  Here we are on March 14 and I am figuring when we go in tomorrow they will suggest another surgery for a tongue flap.  He does not want his tongue tacked down during Radiation and Chemo and would prefer to leave the wound open.  I'm not so sure because I would be afraid that it would cause more complications.  They wanted to do that in his last surgery but he was determined for them to use a cadaver flap instead.  Which the doctor was figuring would not work.   He had cancer cells in his lymph nodes and they wanted him to start radiation right away!  He has been complaining of being gasy and just whole body hurting.  I can't imagine all that he has went through but am trying to help him to make accurate decisions for his health.  Any suggestions would be appreciated!