Update: elevated ca125, large multiloculated cyst

Endogrl81 Member Posts: 18

I'm sorry to have taken so long to post and update on what is going on with me. As per my previous post during a Scan for kidney stones a large 7cm multiloculated cystic lesion found on left ovary , along with adenomyosis of the uterus, a left tube filled with fluid and debris, small amount of pelvic fluid and a fast growing mass on the right ovary , an enlarged uterus and thick endometrium were all found. CA 125 test was done and levels elevated to 460! I have a long history of severe endometriosis and pelvic adhesive disease that has left me unable to have children. I have a family history of ovarian cancer and breast cancer. I am 33 years old. I have has multiple ct scans and ultrasounds done by my current gyn /oncologist in which he feels a total hysterectomy and removal of the ovaries is needed and will be done on August 5th. At that time biopsies will be done to test for ovarian cancer. The structure of concern would be the multiloculated 7cm ovarian mass that could either be mucinius cystadenoma (a benign cyst) or a mucinous cystadenocarcinoma which is malignant ovarian cancer . The roller coaster has been horrible and the waiting for answer even worse. I am praying for a good outcome and will post when the surgery is over. Thank you to those who have shown such concern and guidance I appreciate you all so much more than you know


  • lovesanimals
    lovesanimals Member Posts: 1,366 Member
    Dear Endogrl81

    The waiting is torture!  I think though that it's very possible that your elevated CA 125 is due to non-cancerous issues (like the severe endometriosis).  In any case, I know how scared and worried you are.  Sending lots of positive energy and prayers to you for a good outcome to your surgery.  Come here any time to post and most certainly after your surgery, when you are up to it.

