High Gleason Prostate Cancer after Androgel Application for Low Testosterone

At age 67, and after a long history of low PSA levels (0.8 to 1.2), at age 66, I was diagnosed with low testosterone levels (150 ng/ml vs a normal range of 250-1000). I was prescribed a testosterone cream (Androgel) to increase my T-level. My PSA rose fairly quickly from 1.2 to 3.5 and 10.1 over an 8 month period. After failing to lower the PSA with anti-biotics, a prostate biopsy was performed on 9/18/12 at the VA. The results were given to me on 10/1/12.....11/12 biopsies were (+) with most being Gleason 9 (5+4) and involving 90% of the cores. One core noted "perineural" involvement. I recieved an LHRH-agonist (6 month depot) and daily Casodex. Working in the medical field, I was familiar with the options for aggressive prostate cancer and chose Triple Therapy (ADT/IMRT/Implant). My regimen starts with "up-front" androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) for 3-months to be followed by 45 Gy to the prostate/SV/nodes via external beam IMRT with a final dose of 90 Gy delivered via a Palladium-103 prostate implant.

My CT and bone scans were negative except for multiple sites of osteoarthritis based on a 30-year history of contact sports (football, skiing, rugby). I currently recieve a 70% disability from the VA based on injuries from Vietnam and a cardiac event in 2010. Based on the "Agent Orange VA Registry", my disability will probably be raised to 100%. A recent ultrasound measured my prostate gland at 20 cc (small) with a "well-defined" capsule and seminal vesicles. I am scheduled for the placement of prostate fiducial markers in December and a "treatment planning" CT prior to my external beam treatments in January. No MRI or PET/CT has been scheduled with the assumption that any disease in the nodes is microscopic. A fairly recent NCI study indicates a "significant" benefit to including the nodes in pelvic irradiation if the probability of nodal disease exceeds 15%. There is also an "added" effect of the ADT therapy which reduces tumor cell activity through programmed cell death (apoptosis). A PSA taken on 10/18/12 revealed a drop in PSA from 10.1 to 1.2 over the first few weeks of ADT.

I investigated the NCI study utilizing the anti-MUC-1 vaccine in addition to Triple Therapy. Unfortunately, because I had already recieved my first LHRH-agonist shot, I was deemed ineligible. I did, however, schedule an appointment with the Prostate Group at NCI to "get my name on the list" for any new studies for which I would be deemed eligible.

Even with my heart and prostate problems, I feel "pretty good" under ADT therapy and manage to get to the gym 3-4 times/week. I started this story line to reach other individuals (and Vietnam vets) who might be in the "same boat". I didn't put much belief in Agent Orange, but I've had too many of my Marine Corps friends from I-Corps diagnosed with "odd cancers" over the years. Maybe there is some truth in the research concerning Agent Orange as well as the contaminated water at Camp Lejeune?


  • laserlight
    laserlight Member Posts: 165
    RPE welcome
    Welcome to the group, there are number of Viet Vets on here that are fighting this monster. I am one of them. I served in the III corp area of Vietnam. Yes there is a link. Start the paperwork for VA comp. Prostate cancer is one of the cancers linked to Agent Orange. I spent 18 months in country. The others will be along here and give you input also. My name is Kurt.
  • ralph.townsend1
    ralph.townsend1 Member Posts: 359 Member
    Sorry for your condition, but as I know that if I increase my MY T-level by cream's or any thing to increase my Testosterone will increase the cancer psa, because the cancer feed from testostorone. You need cut the food source off to the cancer.

    Welcome to the site and sorry you have to be here. There is a lot of truth to Agent Orange and it cancer's. Being a person of Heart disease, Diabites II, Prostate cancer, Nerve disease. I was in I-Corp at Camp Eagle, Mable mountain the 1st Aviation Brigade.

    We are all here to help!

    Good luck with your fight against this monster.

    God bless!