This is worth repeating...

Gabe N Abby Mom
Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
I thought it is a good time to share an old post from our dear Chenheart...a very special lady.

So many new ones have joined our family of Kindred Spirits lately~we sigh that you have had to find us, but of course welcome you with open ♥

You may have noticed, or even posted about the fact that many of our friends, family members, co-workers and neighbors just don't "get it" and make what seem to be ( and sometimes ARE!) insensitive, rude, and dismissive comments about us and how we look, etc.

You don't know me well, but if you hang around the boards long enough,you will notice 2 things about me~I "steal" quotes that I like and apply them to our lives regularly, and I also liken our lives to books/movies! Who knew we would be Stars?! :-) And today, we are friends and schoolmates with no less than Harry Potter and Hermione and the entire gang!

So~ welcome to CSN, also known as Hogwarts~ the boarding school for witches and wizards! Like you, we were truly surprised when we realized that we would be leaving the lives we had known to enter a place so strange and unknown to us. Upon arriving, we were shocked to see how many witches and wizards already live here~ we thought it would be a tiny place, and that we would be isolated and alone. But No! Freshman, Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors, along with a host of professors surrounded us. Though it was frightening being the new one, we looked to the upperclassmen, those graduating, wondering if we would ever survive the curriculum.

Eventually, we settled in, and made good friends with other witches and wizards! Turns out, it's alot like any old school, after all! We know who the smart ones are, the social butterflies, the competitive one, the shy ones, the troubled ones, etc. We come into "home room", say hello to everyone, and hang out with our friends!

Our aforementioned families/friends/coworkers who don't "get it" are, of course, The Muggles. It isn't their fault~they are not part of the Hogwart student body and they really don't know quite how to relate to us. They look at us through different eyes, they are a bit afraid of us, puzzled by changes they see in us, and they want us back the way we were BEFORE we were tapped by the faculty at Hogwarts. Some of our Muggle family members are proud of the achievements we make, and they don't mind meeting our classmates. But some...well, they distance themselves and can't bring themselves to stay connected . It is discouraging...

So, take your seat here at Hogwarts! Know that those here with you are very much like you in ways you never imagined. You are indeed different, but that doesn't make you any less valuable. Educate yourself while you are here,and join in with the extra-curricular activities ! We exchange holiday ornaments, we celebrate birthdays, we visit each other, and most of all, we communicate and connect in important, life-long ways.

Oh, and feel free to borrow the notes and books you find here~ we are all willing to share what we learned in the previous semesters!! Asking questions and copying is actually encouraged!



  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    I don't...
    I don't think I ever read this by Chen....all I can say is "Wow!"

    Hugs, Nancy
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    MAJW said:

    I don't...
    I don't think I ever read this by Chen....all I can say is "Wow!"

    Hugs, Nancy

    Thanks, Linda ..
    Like Nancy, I don't recall seeing this post - ever! Such a VALUABLE post.

    Thank you for bringing this forward, and sharing this powerful post.

    Strength, Courage and HOPE for a Cure.

    Vicki Sam
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    MAJW said:

    I don't...
    I don't think I ever read this by Chen....all I can say is "Wow!"

    Hugs, Nancy

    Thanks, Linda ..
    double post .. sorry
  • Nana C.
    Nana C. Member Posts: 108
    Thank you!

    Thank you so much for posting, Chen words came from the heart and so true.

  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member
    Nana C. said:

    Thank you!

    Thank you so much for posting, Chen words came from the heart and so true.


    What a powerful
    What a powerful way to look at it all.Thank You for posting. I have to agree about the way some treat us.The other day as talking(phone) to a friend I told her "I've lost more weight.The first thing she said "IS YOUR CANCER back".Upset me bad.This has now made me distance myself from her.I don't need crap.This was one time I found out who my friend WAS!!!!

    Thank You for sharing this.

    Lynn Smith
  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    I should add that this is my
    I should add that this is my favorite part....

    "Eventually, we settled in, and made good friends with other witches and wizards! Turns out, it's a lot like any old school, after all! We know who the smart ones are, the social butterflies, the competitive one, the shy ones, the troubled ones, etc. We come into "home room", say hello to everyone, and hang out with our friends!"

    ...I sometimes feel a little guilty for not posting a reply, and this reminds me that it is ok. In my opinion we are here to give and receive support...and there is room for everyone (unless they're selling something...LOL).

