Spindle Cell Carcinoma

lostinthehaze Member Posts: 8 Member
My mother in law was diagnosed with stage four spindle cell carcinoma (originating in the gall bladder) after having her gall bladder removed. She has tumors all through her abdomen. Some of them are even visible on the outside. My husband says that one looks like a half fist sticking out. She has been in an intense amount of pain and has been having a number of digestive ailments because of the tumors.

The cancer is inoperable, but they offered chemo as a possibility of remission remained. They know so little about this type of cancer that not a lot could be said for sure. She has had two chemo sessions and suffered severe side effects over the weekend. She has now decided not to do it anymore. She is talking about bringing in hospice and her brothers are in town getting her affairs in order.

This is such a sudden and shocking turn of events for myself and my husband. Only weeks ago she was feeling a little sick and now she is dying of a rare, aggressive cancer. I am beside myself with grief. I wish there was something more I could do to help the situation. But she feels like the chemo isn't worth it and it isn't working (in her opinion). They'll be telling the doctor on Thursday. I really have no words. We've been walking around in a haze since yesterday when we heard she decided not to continue the chemo.

Any thoughts or feedback would really help at this point - good or bad. I feel like I don't really have anyone to talk to about this.


  • brownmonica34845
    brownmonica34845 Member Posts: 1 Member

    praying for you and your family. I am presently going through a rough patch. My mom who is 74 has been diagnosed with Spindle Cell Bladder Cancer (stage 3) she has lost so much weight. The Physician gave her 3 choices-bladder removal, vaginal removal, radiation or do nothing. Mom chose not to do anything. I am so scared and at this point we will probably use hospice. Moms' appetite isn't good, and she is down in weight to 79.8 pounds. Mom was never a large person and at most only weighed 120 pounds. She continues to get UTI infections and presently on an antibiotic. I am so scared our family didn't see this coming. It happened so fast.