Back from Duke

JimboC Member Posts: 264
Well, we went to Duke this week and they were incredible. We discussed a possible trial and some other chemo combos. The oncologist said I was doing very well for my stage of disease. At this point, I'm leaning towards not doing the trial and sticking with chemo locally. The trial would require me to travel to Duke every week and I'm afraid that might be a bit tough on me. I still feel pretty darn good and I don't want to drag myself down with all the travel. Chemo I handle pretty well so as long as I can continue doing that, I'll keep it up.

Fight the fight and take care my friends!


  • Ginny_B
    Ginny_B Member Posts: 532
    Great news, Jim! Keep doing
    Great news, Jim! Keep doing what you're doing. Make choices that you feel are right for you and go with it. This sounds like a winner. And your positive attitude is also a tremendous boost! Hopefully, minimal side effects so you can continue working comfortably. Hugs!
  • MissusB
    MissusB Member Posts: 111
    Good news!
    Glad there was a ray of sunshine in your week! I know how it is to travel for treatments - Bill was sick with liver cancer and then the EC for a span of almost 6 years, and we traveled from KC to either Mayo in Rochester or IUMed in Indy. One was a 6.5 hour drive, the other and 8 hour drive. It did give us special one on one time together though!

    So I am assuming this trial at Duke is a one-center study? Sure would be nice if they could administer it at home, or at least at UPMC (or Marshall). Do you mind if I ask what trial it is?

    Since we are both from the same part of the country I try to follow your every post - Know that there are many, many of us here who enjoy your wonderful posts and who are pulling for you. Kim
  • sandy1943
    sandy1943 Member Posts: 824
    Glad you are feeling good!
    Glad you are feeling good! Keep us posted as you continue treatment. Praying for positive outcome.
  • paul61
    paul61 Member Posts: 1,391 Member
    Great to hear from you

    It is great to hear you have a new and positive direction. I am glad you are feeling well. I will be praying that your new chemo regimen provides the results you are hoping for.

    Best Regards,

    Paul Adams
    McCormick, South Carolina

    DX 10/22/2009 T2N1M0 Stage IIB
    12/03/2009 Ivor Lewis
    2/8 through 6/14/2010 Adjuvant Chemo Cisplatin, Epirubicin, 5 FU
    Two year survivor

    Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance!
  • bingbing2009
    bingbing2009 Member Posts: 177
    Good to hear
    Jimbo, so glad that you were happy with your experience at Duke. Keep fighting the good fight and do what's best for you. As always, you're in my thoughts and prayers.

  • Freida
    Freida Member Posts: 182
    Hi Jim
    Glad to hear you had

    Hi Jim
    Glad to hear you had such a positive experience - those positive experiences really help psychologically don't they.

    I understand how you feel about the travel. We have been driving to M D Anderson and back every other week for 2 months and it is much more disruptive and tiring than I expected - and I'm not the one being treated! We are moving down there for six weeks for the next phase. it will be nice not to travel so much. Luckily. like you, Bill feels better on the chemo than we expected. In our case we did not feel confident in the local place, but if you are comfortable then do what is best for you.

    Hope all goes well for you.
  • JReed
    JReed Member Posts: 428
    Duke visit
    So glad that went okay for you. Don also chose not to participate in a clinical trial - he is HER2 positive but would have been on a different radiation machine and that would have required yet another delay in treatment. Like you, Don has handled the chemo rather well - a few bumps but nothing the docs couldn't get a handle on quickly.

    So glad you went - if for nothing else than at least you have another resource to base your decisions on. It's hard to get a feel for the tone of a post (you can't hear the tone or see the body language of the person writing) but your post sounds more 'up' and that is reassuring to us!

    Fight the fight! We are all pulling for you Jimbo!

  • TerryV
    TerryV Member Posts: 887
    Glad Duke was a good experience
    Jimbo :)

    Very glad to hear that you left Duke was some positive take aways. I'm sure they have a top staff. Will they be guiding any chemo administered locally?

    You keep fighting the fight as well. In our thoughts and prayers!

    Love & Hugs to you and your family,

  • ritawaite13
    ritawaite13 Member Posts: 236
    Hi Jimbo
    I'm so glad you're feeling well and had a good experience at Duke. The others are spot on, do exactly what you're comfortable doing. It's nice to know you have options though. Your positive attitude is wonderful.
  • Rick0311
    Rick0311 Member Posts: 38
    Good News
    Great to hear you are doing well. Keep up the fight and keep everyone informed. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.
  • Rick0311
    Rick0311 Member Posts: 38
    Good News
    Great to hear you are doing well. Keep up the fight and keep everyone informed. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.
  • casp42
    casp42 Member Posts: 79
    Rick0311 said:

    Good News
    Great to hear you are doing well. Keep up the fight and keep everyone informed. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.

    Jimbo great attitude......

    Your a fighter.....keep it up!!!
  • rose20
    rose20 Member Posts: 258
    Jimbo and to all of you here...
    Heavenly Father, my life is in Your hands.
    Yesterday, today, and forever, I am safe and secure in You.
    Lord, please help me to know that You are in control.
    Help me to believe You are at work in my life right now,
    even when I don't see it.
    Help me to trust in what I do not see,
    when what I see is so painful.
    Please help me to know You are taking care of my needs.

    God cares about every detail of your life…
    He collects every tear in a bottle. (Psalm 56:8)
    He numbers every hair on your head. (Luke 12:7)
    He knows every hurt in your heart. (Psalm 34:18)

    The Lord knows all you are going through.
    He loves you, He cares for you,
    and He will make sure not one detail is overlooked.

    The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.
    Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Deuteronomy 31:8


    My profile picture is of the sun that my sweet little 4 year old granddaughter made me.
    I hope it brings a smile to your face as it has mine.

  • K_ann1015
    K_ann1015 Member Posts: 500
    My dad went to Duke for his clinical trial
    Hi Jim, I haven't been on here as much as I used to. My dad passed away last Nov.2011---but he lived over 2 years post diagnosis & had his treatment at Duke. They were very pleased, but also lived in very small communities & did not feel comfortable with the run of the mill local chemo. So, they literally packed up & spent 6 weeks in an inexpensive hotel 3 1/2 hours away from home to participate in a clinical trial of chemo & radiation. Then again they were retired, so it was an easier decision. He also had his surgery there & follow up.

    Who is your oncologist/surgeon & Radiologist? My parents absolutely loved theirs.... I could go on & on---go ahead & email me if you'd like

    praying for the best for you Jim!

  • Court_Ren
    Court_Ren Member Posts: 27
    K_ann1015 said:

    My dad went to Duke for his clinical trial
    Hi Jim, I haven't been on here as much as I used to. My dad passed away last Nov.2011---but he lived over 2 years post diagnosis & had his treatment at Duke. They were very pleased, but also lived in very small communities & did not feel comfortable with the run of the mill local chemo. So, they literally packed up & spent 6 weeks in an inexpensive hotel 3 1/2 hours away from home to participate in a clinical trial of chemo & radiation. Then again they were retired, so it was an easier decision. He also had his surgery there & follow up.

    Who is your oncologist/surgeon & Radiologist? My parents absolutely loved theirs.... I could go on & on---go ahead & email me if you'd like

    praying for the best for you Jim!


    That is what my husband
    That is what my husband chose as well. Sticking closer to home was a good choice. I work full time and we have a little girl. So far he has completed 12 of 5Fu, and now that chemo isn't working anymore so on Wed it will be the 2nd of Taxotere. Hang in there and keep us all posted. God bless
  • topaz1947
    topaz1947 Member Posts: 24
    K_ann1015 said:

    My dad went to Duke for his clinical trial
    Hi Jim, I haven't been on here as much as I used to. My dad passed away last Nov.2011---but he lived over 2 years post diagnosis & had his treatment at Duke. They were very pleased, but also lived in very small communities & did not feel comfortable with the run of the mill local chemo. So, they literally packed up & spent 6 weeks in an inexpensive hotel 3 1/2 hours away from home to participate in a clinical trial of chemo & radiation. Then again they were retired, so it was an easier decision. He also had his surgery there & follow up.

    Who is your oncologist/surgeon & Radiologist? My parents absolutely loved theirs.... I could go on & on---go ahead & email me if you'd like

    praying for the best for you Jim!


    I also went to Duke for all of my treatments. I would not change any of my drs. They are great. I am now 1 year out from dx. Surgery was in March. So far every thing looks good. So sorry to hear about your dad. This cancer is so crazy. You do not know who will beat it and who won't. Who were your dads drs?
  • JimboC
    JimboC Member Posts: 264
    MissusB said:

    Good news!
    Glad there was a ray of sunshine in your week! I know how it is to travel for treatments - Bill was sick with liver cancer and then the EC for a span of almost 6 years, and we traveled from KC to either Mayo in Rochester or IUMed in Indy. One was a 6.5 hour drive, the other and 8 hour drive. It did give us special one on one time together though!

    So I am assuming this trial at Duke is a one-center study? Sure would be nice if they could administer it at home, or at least at UPMC (or Marshall). Do you mind if I ask what trial it is?

    Since we are both from the same part of the country I try to follow your every post - Know that there are many, many of us here who enjoy your wonderful posts and who are pulling for you. Kim

    Hey Kim, There were actually
    Hey Kim, There were actually about 4 places that were in on the study. Unfortunately, nothing was much closer. I didn't drive but the ride to Duke about wore me out. I figure that if I'm going to travel that much at this stage in the game, I'd rather do it for pleasure. ;) The study was with the FOLFIRI Chemo and the addition of a PARP inhibitor.

    The folks at Duke were incredible. I plan on keeping the oncologist involved in my treatment planning. It's good to have that second set of eyes involved. My oncologist here in town was actually the one who suggested I go to Duke so he is very supportive of the extra opinion.

    I thank you so much Kim. It still touches (and amazes) me so much that so many people care so much. I also know it's genuine because I am the same way. I feel so good on our successes and morn our losses. Even though I will never meet most of the folks on here, I don't think I could feel closer even if I lived next door to them. I was so sad when I was asking about an esophageal cancer support group locally only to find that there was none. When I found this group it was like the answer to a prayer.
  • JimboC
    JimboC Member Posts: 264
    JReed said:

    Duke visit
    So glad that went okay for you. Don also chose not to participate in a clinical trial - he is HER2 positive but would have been on a different radiation machine and that would have required yet another delay in treatment. Like you, Don has handled the chemo rather well - a few bumps but nothing the docs couldn't get a handle on quickly.

    So glad you went - if for nothing else than at least you have another resource to base your decisions on. It's hard to get a feel for the tone of a post (you can't hear the tone or see the body language of the person writing) but your post sounds more 'up' and that is reassuring to us!

    Fight the fight! We are all pulling for you Jimbo!


    Hey Judy,
    I try to stay up

    Hey Judy,

    I try to stay up overall. This whole thing is what it is and nothing is going to change that. I did everything I possibly could as a Stage 3 to beat it but I didn't. My time is limited and I can choose to be upset for the remainder of my days or make the most of it. I'm going to make the most of it. ;)
  • JimboC
    JimboC Member Posts: 264
    rose20 said:

    Jimbo and to all of you here...
    Heavenly Father, my life is in Your hands.
    Yesterday, today, and forever, I am safe and secure in You.
    Lord, please help me to know that You are in control.
    Help me to believe You are at work in my life right now,
    even when I don't see it.
    Help me to trust in what I do not see,
    when what I see is so painful.
    Please help me to know You are taking care of my needs.

    God cares about every detail of your life…
    He collects every tear in a bottle. (Psalm 56:8)
    He numbers every hair on your head. (Luke 12:7)
    He knows every hurt in your heart. (Psalm 34:18)

    The Lord knows all you are going through.
    He loves you, He cares for you,
    and He will make sure not one detail is overlooked.

    The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.
    Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Deuteronomy 31:8


    My profile picture is of the sun that my sweet little 4 year old granddaughter made me.
    I hope it brings a smile to your face as it has mine.


    That is a sweet picture
    That is a sweet picture Rose. ;) It does bring a smile to my face. Thanks so much for the words of inspiration.
  • JimboC
    JimboC Member Posts: 264
    K_ann1015 said:

    My dad went to Duke for his clinical trial
    Hi Jim, I haven't been on here as much as I used to. My dad passed away last Nov.2011---but he lived over 2 years post diagnosis & had his treatment at Duke. They were very pleased, but also lived in very small communities & did not feel comfortable with the run of the mill local chemo. So, they literally packed up & spent 6 weeks in an inexpensive hotel 3 1/2 hours away from home to participate in a clinical trial of chemo & radiation. Then again they were retired, so it was an easier decision. He also had his surgery there & follow up.

    Who is your oncologist/surgeon & Radiologist? My parents absolutely loved theirs.... I could go on & on---go ahead & email me if you'd like

    praying for the best for you Jim!


    Hi Kim,
    I saw Dr. Strickler

    Hi Kim,

    I saw Dr. Strickler down at Duke. He was a young but VERY impressive oncologist. I plan on including him in my treatment team moving forward. We have family about an hour away from Duke but but that weekly drive would just be too much on me. Plus, I am still working. I actually had my surgery at UPMC with Dr. Luketich. Based on what I saw while I was at Duke, I wouldn't hesitate to have had my surgery there. They really seem to have a nice program for EC. I'll shoot you an email with my email as well.

    Take care!