Thank you and Endoscopy questions

Thank you, everyone, for your support. *note* if you don't want to read my rambling, just skip to the bottom where I have a question about the endoscopy.*

I came here really freaked out about all the "what-ifs". I won't lie, I still am, but least I know it's normal! My daughter is away at camp for the week, so it's just my son and I here to de-clutter the house. I've gotten a lot done since Friday, with a bit more to do. Busy work, that's what I need right now.

I don't know if it's a matter of ideal timing, or that I'm now hypersensitive to everything since the doctor felt the lump, but in the last 48 hours things have gotten worse. That feeling you get that your food is stuck? It's constant now. It used to be only during and lasting to shortly after I eat. And if I drank enough, and big enough gulps I can feel the food pass through the tight spot. (a trick I learned from my daughter who has cricopharyngeal achalasia. LOL ) But now it's just there all the time. Doesn't matter how much or how big of gulps I drink, the feeling doesn't go away. Sometimes it feels like if I cough hard enough I would be able to cough something out of there. Makes me feel kind of panicky, like...hmmm...not really sure how to explain it. Kind of almost claustrophobic feeling, or like I have to sometimes think about taking a big breath. (does that make any sense at all?)

On thing for sure, I have a new understanding of what my daughter has been going through her entire life. There are two differences 1) she doesn't know any different. She has ALWAYS felt this way. 2) She has an incredibly high pain threshhold, where I am apparently quite a baby! When she had her esophageal manometry done 18 months ago, the GI said she should be in "excruciating pain" the way solid foods were sitting right in front of her epiglottis. Instead she gives no indication of pain. She can tell us when she has food stuck, or starts retching when it's in front of her airway and takes giant drinks of whatever we can get her quickly. Then she's able to tell us "I got it out", when it's moved past the spot. This happens maybe 2-3 times per week. That's partly why we haven't gone the surgical route with her. I'm starting to re-think that decision, because this is an AWFUL feeling! S

The other new thing is that when I'm lying down, it feels like someone is squeezing my esophagus. It doesn't burn, or hurt in any way, it's just uncomfortable. That started Friday or Saturday night. I forget. Timing or being hypersensitive to everything? Hard to say!

I'm just praying that I'm going to wake up from the endoscopy and be told I have reflux. I can handle reflux. I know all about it thanks to my daughter the reflux queen. Maybe get a nissen done just like we did for her as an infant. Don't you like how I throw around the word "just" like it's such an easy procedure? LOL Seriously, my kids have caused my sense of what's serious and what's not to become quite warped!

My endoscopy is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. I've had a few unrelated procedures in the past couple of years that have required me to be under general anesthesia or at very least heavy sedation. I kind of look forward to the drug induced naps! (see? Warped!) But I'm having real anxiety issues about tomorrow. I get very claustrophobic with face masks, etc. My ENT has learned it's better to give me the silly juice as soon as possible after I walk in the door, if even just to shut me up! (my husband might agree.) Will I be as heavily sedated for the endoscopy? Just in case I have to do it again down the road, I don't want to remember A THING. I don't want to be aware later of what it was like trying to swallow that tube. Just the thought of that causes my blood pressure to start increasing. LOL

Tomorrow night I'm going to come back here and post that it's just reflux. Some drugs, change of diet mabye, and get on with life.

OH, one quick question: are there rules here about posting links? (I haven't take the time to read through the rules! I should do that! LOL) I'm an avid blogger will probably have my husband update there while I'm sleeping off my sedation. Let me know if I'm breaking a rule and I'll delete the link!


  • jthomas233
    jthomas233 Member Posts: 85
    Your endoscopy will probably be a 20 minute nap. I was terrified of general anesthesia before a recent colonoscopy and I found the whole experience to be rather pleasant. The endoscopy I got two months later was very short and equally as pleasant. (unfortunately, the news I got was much less so). Make sure your husband is with you and I would warn the gastro guy not to tell you anything until you are wide awake with your matter what!

    You won't be sleeping off the anesthesia. I'm betting you are doing your own posting tomorrow and I'm praying it's all good news!
  • sandy1943
    sandy1943 Member Posts: 824
    I've had several scopes, I
    I've had several scopes, I was put under, but came out of it fast, with no lasting effects, even though I was told not to drive for a while .The dr. can usually tell you right away if it is cancer. That was an unexpected shock, since I thought It was just a routine precautionary test. I had not experienced any bad problems--I had complained to my doctor about indigestion for a couple of years, so when my food stuck twice, the dr. sent me to a gastrologists. I never one time thought I had cancer.

    I also agree that you make sure someone is with you when the doctor talks to you after the scope.

    Praying for you. Please keep us posted.

  • Daisylin
    Daisylin Member Posts: 365
    sandy1943 said:

    I've had several scopes, I
    I've had several scopes, I was put under, but came out of it fast, with no lasting effects, even though I was told not to drive for a while .The dr. can usually tell you right away if it is cancer. That was an unexpected shock, since I thought It was just a routine precautionary test. I had not experienced any bad problems--I had complained to my doctor about indigestion for a couple of years, so when my food stuck twice, the dr. sent me to a gastrologists. I never one time thought I had cancer.

    I also agree that you make sure someone is with you when the doctor talks to you after the scope.

    Praying for you. Please keep us posted.


    I have nothing new or
    I have nothing new or noteworthy to add to the previous posts, but our experience was the same. My hubby was woken up and I was brought into the office and given our news immediately. Like Sandra, we were not expecting EC, and the blow was gigantic. Lee was not groggy in the slightest afterwards..... just shocked. I do recall he had a wee bit of a sore throat after the test, but otherwise no side effects. I hope you are right and you post tomorrow saying that everything is fine. If not, please know that you will find lots of information and support here if needed.
    Also, as stated, make sure your husband or another loved one is with you, I don't know that driving afterwards would be such a great idea.
    Best wishes,
  • hopper52
    hopper52 Member Posts: 108
    I've had 3 endoscopies and all three went without a hitch. On the first one I asked if I could just stay awake and watch on the TV screen (I'm a little warped too) but the techs said they didn't want me gagging when they inserted the scope. They gave me some "Michael Jackson" drugs and for the first two times I woke up in the recovery room........the third time they had me awake before I left the procedure room.

    Praying that you have good results and I concur to have someone with you when you get the results.

    Michael Daniels (T3N0M0)
    Brandon, Florida