chemo, how long and remission?!

rockchicksurvivor Member Posts: 45
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
I was just wondering what type of chemo meds and how long did treatment last and how many are in remission now or how long did you stay in remission before a reaccurance? I had IV and IP chemo the first time and now Avastin and Pemetrexed(clinical study) this time since December. I have a slight improvement since my last scan and my ca125 is going down slowly. I am frustrated, scared and hope things start to look up soon. I also have pulmonary nodules on my lungs, has anyone else had this? I am just curious. Thanks and have a good day everyone! hugs


  • nancy591
    nancy591 Member Posts: 1,027 Member
    I had 5 rounds IV carbo/taxol, illeostomy reversal and then 3 rounds of IP cisplat/taxol. I completed my regimen April '09. CA125 started at 720 and completed at 6. I had a confirmed reoccurence by a PETscan (CT was clear) Nov.09, the biopsy being done Dec. 09. I do believe I would have been given the all clear at this visit and possibly made it to one year if my surgeon had not pushed for the PETscan. My reoccurence is very small, 13mm on my colon. I do have 2 inactive nodules on my lung. I started on Doxil Jan. '10. My PET/CT after 3 rounds shows no improvement BUT little change. There are one or two new hypermetabolic spots too small to be measured. Surgeon and Oncologist are deciding if I should continue with Doxil or start a new me, possibly Gemzar. Doxil may have a delayed response and need more than 3 doses to show effectiveness. Like you, I am disappointed and scared. Desperately wanting a successful treatment to give me some more time with my two young boys, 6 and 4yrs old! When they did my illeosotomy reversal they took some biopsies/second look and everything was all clear. I thought I'd have a lengthy remission.

    How are they monitoring you on the Avastin? I know it is known to have serious bowel problems. That is why they wouldn't give it to me as a third agent with my initial treatment. Good luck. I know there are women here who have been in our shoes. I feel a bit needy, looking for reassurance that everything will turn out ok!!
  • JoanC
    JoanC Member Posts: 231
    Dear Rock Chick,
    Please click on my picture to read about my journey....I have been in remission for 17 months since last chemo....also had pulmonary blood clots...
    (((HUGS))) Joan
  • arbor3
    arbor3 Member Posts: 103

    I was dx in Aug 2006. I am on my 6th round of chemo. I had 3 to 4 month down time between chemo at first. Now it is getting shorter. But I feel good and other than what the chemo throws at me I can do almost anything. I do have pulmonary nodules, also small tumors in my lungs.

  • msfanciful
    msfanciful Member Posts: 559
    After 8 cycles of


    After 8 cycles of carbo/taxol, I was in remission for a period of 1yr and 1 month and then my ca-125 numbers started jumping, this prompted my oncologist to have a cat-scan, the cat-scan showed that I had two para-aortic lymph nodes that had enlarged, so I was then given the treatment of a cocktail of doxil/carbo/avastin (this was a very agressive treatment). I knew the risk of the study drug avastin was the possibility of perforated intestines in particular also possible damage to the heart as well. But looking at my stage 4 status, I just took a deep breath and took the plunge. This particular line of treatment only gave about a 6month remission.

    I know how you feel, I too was verrry disappointed to see no end to this new life of tests, waiting, uncertainty, etc.....

    Praying things will get better for you,

  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    Click on our picture
    If you click on our pictures, it will take you to our history, if we have written one and you will find what we have taken and how it worked, etc. That might give you more information. Saundra
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    Love your Name
    First I ahve to say I love the name rockchicksurvivor.. tell me a bit of how you chose it. :-)I call myself at times the chick from the sticks and only thought of that years later as I fight from rural mn, as there were nto support groups or much in my area. :-D

    Now, to the questions, yes I have had nodules and not there now... never removed from surgery either and had them several years back and only spot still mentioned in ct scans now. It was the avastin I think that killed them, it was the avastin back in 2006 that destroyed many of my tumors that had grown back or anew since original surgery. That is what will be next treatemtn that we recycle once I am healed. So things are going to look up for you too, keep your eyes looking for the miracles in the day, the blessings and that are already will bring your spirits up. By the looks of your picture you are holding one of your miracles closely.

    Prayers ♥ Hugs Bonnie