Needing some support

lady_em Member Posts: 5
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Hello everyone. This is my first time posting something regarding my cancer. I was diagnosed in June '07 with Stage 3 Ovarian Cancer and just finished my last cycle of chemo on Nov. 21st! Yipee...thank God I don't have to go back anymore. I don't know what to feel right now. I'm still in shock about the whole thing. It all happened so fast. After the hestorectomy/surgery I was on heavy pain medication for almost 3 months since I couldn't handle the pain. Then the chemo had been so hard with the body aches and being so tired. I went back to work full time which didn't help. I've been so quiet and withdrawn and I am very sensitive. It's so easy for me to cry or get upset about stuff. Then I get sad whenever I look at my stomach where they cut me or my bald head. I get self conscious about not having hair. It's been challenging for my husband to go threw all of this with me. He says I shouldn't make a big issue about small things. I feel like he just doesn't understand what I'm going through inside. I am looking for some support.


  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    Dear Lady_em, it is pretty common to suffer from some derpression after all you have been through. Have you talked to your Dr yet about it. I know lots of people go on antidepressants for awhile until their systems get back to normal. You know the lack of hormones and all the drugs that have been poured into your body, plus not to mention you have just been through the fight of a lifetime.

    Please come here often and share, that will help too. Sending prayers for this Christmas season to fill you full of Joy, Hope and Peace!

    Prayers N Hugs BonnieRose
  • floridajo
    floridajo Member Posts: 480
    Sorry you have to deal with this, but Bonnie is right,you should go see a Dr. The reason your so emotional also has to do with the medical menapause that your body has been thrown into, making you alot more sensitive. Your body and hair will return and you might even get to like your new hair came back fuller and curly!!! You husband is right about not worrying about your looks,you have been through quite an ordeal. Hang in there and visit us, we'll help you anyway we can.(((hugz)))..Joanne
  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    Hello lady_em. Hang in there. You have faced a huge challenege and came through the other side. All your emotions, feelings, attitudes are no stranger to all of us. Surgery alone can create a flood of emotions, let alone the chemo, cancer diagnosis, etc. It's sometimes difficult for one who is not going through it to understand even the 'small things'. Maybe your husband just doesn't know what to do or how to respond to all of this. It can be just as overwhelming to someone on the other side.

    Please come back and visit, and let us know how we can help. We're not short on suggestions, info, but mostly HUGS and HOPE. I'll look forward to hearing from you again.

    In the meantime, sending prayers and hugs your way.

  • lady_em
    lady_em Member Posts: 5
    BonnieR said:

    Dear Lady_em, it is pretty common to suffer from some derpression after all you have been through. Have you talked to your Dr yet about it. I know lots of people go on antidepressants for awhile until their systems get back to normal. You know the lack of hormones and all the drugs that have been poured into your body, plus not to mention you have just been through the fight of a lifetime.

    Please come here often and share, that will help too. Sending prayers for this Christmas season to fill you full of Joy, Hope and Peace!

    Prayers N Hugs BonnieRose

    Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, I have experienced depression before and went on antidepressants and had a very bad experience. I'm hoping that with time, exercise and lots of prayer that things will be better. It's nice to have an outlet. I am looking for some local support groups to go to as well.
  • lady_em
    lady_em Member Posts: 5
    floridajo said:

    Sorry you have to deal with this, but Bonnie is right,you should go see a Dr. The reason your so emotional also has to do with the medical menapause that your body has been thrown into, making you alot more sensitive. Your body and hair will return and you might even get to like your new hair came back fuller and curly!!! You husband is right about not worrying about your looks,you have been through quite an ordeal. Hang in there and visit us, we'll help you anyway we can.(((hugz)))..Joanne

    Yes. I can't wait to have hair again and I'm excited to see how it's going to grow back. I'm getting better everyday, and I know in time things will be okay. I'm just thankful I have my life and my cancer is in remission.
  • lady_em
    lady_em Member Posts: 5
    mopar said:

    Hello lady_em. Hang in there. You have faced a huge challenege and came through the other side. All your emotions, feelings, attitudes are no stranger to all of us. Surgery alone can create a flood of emotions, let alone the chemo, cancer diagnosis, etc. It's sometimes difficult for one who is not going through it to understand even the 'small things'. Maybe your husband just doesn't know what to do or how to respond to all of this. It can be just as overwhelming to someone on the other side.

    Please come back and visit, and let us know how we can help. We're not short on suggestions, info, but mostly HUGS and HOPE. I'll look forward to hearing from you again.

    In the meantime, sending prayers and hugs your way.


    Yes...I know my husband is trying to do the best job that he can. He never wanted to show me sympathy and tried to always be positive. Sometimes, I just needed him to be a little more sensitive to my needs. I know he loves me and means well and I just have to be a little more patient. Things will be back to normal soon. The holidays are coming and I have a lot to celebrate!
  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    You are on the right tract with the gratitude awareness. Just keep thinking that way. The hair and scar are battlefield medals and soon they will come off your chest and go in the back of a drawer like all medals. You have a victory and that is wonderful.
  • Susan523
    Susan523 Member Posts: 231 Member
    Hello, Lady_em. Sorry to meet you here, but happy to meet you... (does that make sense?). I feel for you; losing my hair was the worse thing. My scars can be covered with a 1-piece bathing suit. But there are some herbs (you can get them at Wal Mart) that help your hair to grow in faster. I read it in a cancer magazine, and I swear it helps. I used the dosage recommended on each bottle; but get Flaxseed Oil, Biotin, Vit A, Vit B-6, Vit Complex. Those 5, and then I also took a multi-vitamin with it. People kept commenting about how fast my hair was growing. Dont' know if they were just being nice, or if it was true! Lol
    Also, have your Dr. write you an Rx for a wig. My insurance paid 100% of my wig! And people couldn't tell; it was a pretty good one.
    Best of luck to you. ((Hugs & Prayers)) ~Susan