I got buzzed

curlee8661 Member Posts: 56
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Hi everyone!

I just wanted to give you an update regarding my hair, which is no more. Friday, about 2 1/2 weeks following my first chemo (just as some of you stated), it began to fall out. I saw my doctor that day, who tried to talk me out of the buzz cut saying that I would "feel like I've lost my femeninity". Honestly, I don't recall feeling femenine since the surgery, and to me it seemed like watching my hair fall out day by day would be far worse ... so I had my hubby give me a buzz cut yesterday. To my surprise, it was not the emotional experience I expected it to be. Not a single tear shed! It was more a relief than anything: I'm glad it's over and no longer an issue. In retrospect, it seems silly that I was ever concerned about it.

Now it's on to chemo #2 tomorrow. Hopefully I tolerate it better than the first one!

Hugs and positive thoughts to all of you!


  • floridajo
    floridajo Member Posts: 480
    Good for you!!! For me it was a little emotional , but I think it had to do with everything I had went through the past month..you know the dx, the surgery, the chemo...If your on carbo/taxol..most of the time I felt crappy on that chemo,but what can you do? You have a really good attitude..keep those spirits high, they can only help you.(((hugz))..Joanne
  • jamilou
    jamilou Member Posts: 200
    No tears here either! It was much better than having your hair fall out little by little. My husband and daughters and I had a hair shaving party. They each took a turn. It was hardest on my youngest daughter but to me it was better to get it over with and start on my new "do". How are you feeling after your chemo?
  • kathie687
    kathie687 Member Posts: 41
    i really did not have a problem with losing my hair either. i found out that i really like scarfs and hats and it's much easier to pick out which hat or scarf to wear than fixing my hair. i hope all goes well for your next chemo treatment.
  • curlee8661
    curlee8661 Member Posts: 56
    Thanks for the replies girls!

    Joanne - Although loosing my hair didn't effect me, I must say I did tear-up at the end as I was thinking how much I love my hubby for shaving my head for me. What a loving thing that was for him to do. That sort of stuff (kindness from others), along with the thought of my Aunt and Grandmother (who faught this battle long before me) perhaps being my gardian angels watching over me really opened those flood gates. I believe crying is good, as long as we don't do it 24/7.

    Jami - The shaving party sound like fun. I don't have kids, just the 3 of the 4 legged kind who don't ask any questions and apparently don't even notice any change. They just love me unconditionally. They actually went hiding at the sight of my hair being shaved, probably fearing that they would be next. (LOL) I hope your little ones have adjusted ok to all these unexpected changes. I was browsing cancer.gov the other day, and found that they have child specific advice/info regarding dealing with cancer. Check it out! It might help.

    Kathie - I was never a big fan of hats and scarves before. I always found that they made my head itch. Now that there's no hair, it seems to be a whole different experience. Although I do get a bit of itching here and there, I think it's due to the hair (stubles) still falling out. Like you, I'm finding that the hats and scarves are actually fun. Color co-ordinating them with my outfits is a bit challenging, but I just ordered a set of 29 bandanas from ebay in all different colors. I should have no problem finding something to put on my head with any outfit now.

    Hugs to you all!
  • JanQ
    JanQ Member Posts: 236
    You sound great! I agree after surgery I didn't feel to feminine either. Well I hope # 2 went well!
    Hugs to you,Jan
  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    Hey! Way to go Curlee. Showers are quick and easy now aren't they. I didn't know my head could sweat so though. Keep us posted on the chemo #2. I had #4 last week and shot to boost RBC's so got a double dose of bone pain. I imagine each pain as the destroyer of the cancer cells and find it much more bearable that way. Die bad cells!!!! I also try to laugh at all sorts of things. Check out the Expressions Gallery photo "Like mother, like son and see my picture with youngest son, a graphic artist if you want to smile. Prayers and hugs to you. saundra
  • pholechek
    pholechek Member Posts: 5
    I lost my hair after my first chemo treatment of Taxol and Carboplatin in 2005. I've had other chemo treatments since that have not caused my hair to fall out and actually, I found it much easier not having hair to have to mess with! Putting on a hat or scarf was so much easier. I have hair again now and sometimes wish I didn't have to fix it every morning. One of my sons said he liked me bald better than with wigs, scarves or hats. What a sweetie to make his mom feel good about her appearance! Just remember that who you are inside is what people appreciate. I hope your second treatment went well.

  • kjohnson
    kjohnson Member Posts: 4
    pholechek said:

    I lost my hair after my first chemo treatment of Taxol and Carboplatin in 2005. I've had other chemo treatments since that have not caused my hair to fall out and actually, I found it much easier not having hair to have to mess with! Putting on a hat or scarf was so much easier. I have hair again now and sometimes wish I didn't have to fix it every morning. One of my sons said he liked me bald better than with wigs, scarves or hats. What a sweetie to make his mom feel good about her appearance! Just remember that who you are inside is what people appreciate. I hope your second treatment went well.


    It took me about 3 weeks for my hair to fall out originally and when it did it all went at once. My sister, my daughter and niece went with me to pick out wigs and scarves. It was emotional, but I decided to just make it sort of fun to be someone different with "new" hair. I didn't tell my husband the day I shaved it all off, but met him at the bar in a favorite restaurant. I was a blonde, but surprised him with my new red wig and we made it lots of fun. I am doing well now - treatments were over in November. My CA125 counts are now between 6 and 11. My hair is growing in and is actually curly! I am someone who has had stick straight thin hair all my life. I decided to color my new hair red also - why not! Go with the flow and be happy each and every day!
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    Marianna, good for you! For me the shave was less stressful than the fall out. Still is actually. Prayers N Hugs Bonnie
  • groundeffect
    groundeffect Member Posts: 639 Member
    Hi Marianna,

    My decision to shave my head was made after I discovered a long hair in the spaghetti sauce I was making for dinner. Not appetizing! The next day I stood in the bathtub and cut my hair off, and then shaved my head. I knew I was losing it, and did not need that added aggravation at that time. It was winter, so I made some "chemo berets" out of fleece and hibernated as much as possible-no sense in exposing myself to the world's germs unless necessary!

    I did have a good wig that matched my hair color, and I was comfortable with it, and went to job interviews during my chemo wearing it.

    You have the right attitude. Hair is not an issue; your health is!