To pink05 re: Dad's diet

musiclover Member Posts: 242
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Most doctors know next to nothing about nutrition and I just want to scream everytime I hear the word "Ensure." It is nothing but oil and sugar. Eating more fat is just going to feed the cancer. I have giant respect for so many doctors who do the incredible surgeries, the ridiculous hours they keep, etc. I'm just stating a stone cold fact - nutrition is not a priority in med school and they usually don't eat well themselves.

Dealing with my own doctor it is very apparent we have very different views when it comes to diet. I'm the one who got my OWN cholesteral down without any words of advise or questions from him about what I was eating. I still adore him but I've looked to other sources when it comes to nutrition.

I am a big fan of Dr. John McDougall, a name I've mentioned on this board a couple of times. He's an internist that practiced for 30 years in Hawaii. Over the years he became bewildered with the patients he'd treat that would just become sicker. He'd prescribed drugs for whatever ailment he was treating and they would just get worse. He was only doing what he learned in med school.

Over time he discovered a strong connection between diet and disease, made some major changes and now specializes in getting patients OFF drugs. He works with many diabetics, heart patients, etc. I've met and made friends with Dr. Ruth Heidrich ( who is a 20 year + breast cancer survivor. She had a double mast. and was pressured by her doctors to do intense chemo. She just happened to find an ad in the paper about a clinical trial conducted by McDougall. She met with him and was convinced he could help. She followed his program and never had a need for the chomo. This woman is 70 years old and an award winning athlete. She gives McDougall all the credit for her survival.

This "program" is, in a nutshell, about eating simple foods most of the world eats anyway. Parts of the world where diseases are scarce and focus is on eating a plant based diet. More affluent countries have more diseases - they can afford the junk. I don't want to upset anyone by implying that cancer is ALL about the food we eat but it does make a major impact. There is still stress, genes (although bad habits are also inherited), environment, etc. Still, a decent diet can help someone with cancer - it definitely cannot hurt. I've been cooking for my friend Mark and he's handling his chemo very well. Can't prove it's the diet but he's definitely had more energy and better spirits since he's been eating this way.

Please go to and look around. He has his entire program online for FREE. His books are outstanding (12 Days to Dynamic Health...), his three day weekends are dirt cheap for the amount of information and time he spends answering questions and in his ten day session he works his magic and gets people off their lifelong meds. He's kind, compassionate and truly wants to help people. If that doesn't sell ya, Dr. M answers ALL his email. Tell me of another doctor that will do that. He get's scads of email but somehow finds the time to do this.

Your dad does NOT need more fat, cholesteral and sugar. Please email me if you have any questions. McDougall is for real and I'm a huge skeptic.


  • lfondots63
    lfondots63 Member Posts: 818 Member
    Hi there,

    Thanks for all the information. I have tried changing my diet and I think it helps too. Over course sometimes you back slide when on chemo because some things just don't sound/smell good. You just have to get back on the wagon and start all over again or do the best you can. I will check out his website. I'm also going to try an alkaline diet since cancer hates that. Anything that will help my chances. I'm stage 3 dx dec. 2005. Take care and hugs for you and Mark. I'm glad he is doing better.

  • spongebob
    spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
    musiclover -


    One of the unspoken rules here is that you are NOT allowed to drop off the radar scope without a mention. We were actually looking for you recently (see previous post regarding nutrition)

    Hope all is well.

    - SpongeBob
  • pink05
    pink05 Member Posts: 550
    I agree with you 100% I haven't gone to the website you mentioned yet, but I definitely intend to. I got my dad some whey protein powder that doesn't contain any sugar, or the crap that is found in ensure. I compared ingredients and the whey protein is definitely better and more nutritious. I noticed that ensure is manufactured by a company called Abbott. Now, if I'm not mistaken, isn't that a pharmaceutical company? I once dated a guy who was a pharmaceutical drug rep for them. I'm not surprised that doctors recommend ensure and boost to their patients. I think most of them are so against the natural products. Don't get me wrong, I'm not totally against pharmaceutical companies; they have come up with life saving drugs, I just think that a lot of doctors work with them too often and they fail to go the natural route. The stuff I bought for my dad works just as well when mixed with plain yogurt and fruit and it's better for you. Unfortunately, my dad wants to have nothing to do with it. We compromised and he said he will stir the powder in milk. Thanks for the info.!!!
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    spongebob said:

    musiclover -


    One of the unspoken rules here is that you are NOT allowed to drop off the radar scope without a mention. We were actually looking for you recently (see previous post regarding nutrition)

    Hope all is well.

    - SpongeBob

    I second that, SB,......DO NOT WORRY US, GAL!
    Hugs, Kathi